Welcome to Mastermind Scripts
(Brought to you by Funnel Scripts)
Log in and start using the scripts!

Looking for your access information?
If you do not see the "Congrats You Are Registered" email in your inbox, please visit here to register for access:

I know I have already requested access, but how do I locate the email with my username and password?

Thank you for registering. Please scroll down this page to login and access your Mastermind Scripts.
Check your email for an email message from Funnel Scripts(support@members.funnelscripts.com) with the subject line: "Congrats You Are Registered" You will not be able to log in until you have confirmed your email address.
That email message contains your username and password.
Please NOTE: Your email address is also your username.
You will need to enter the information from that message when you log in to the dashboard.
** Here is a screenshot of what the message looks like. **

NOTE: Enter the username and password you get from the email message into the log in fields on the page.