Client Supplied Avatar Data

Use this script to get us the data about your ideal customer avatar!


  1. Watch the instruction video;
  2. Load one or more of the sample projects to get an idea of the types of answers;
  3. Fill out the form below & click the "Submit" button;
  4. We'll be back in contact with you shortly 😉

Example Avatars

Click links to auto-load examples

Avatar Profile: Struggling Writer (Topic: Write full time)

Avatar Profile: Beginner Investor (Focus: Find great investment deals)

Avatar Profile: Special Operations Candidate (Focus: Get ready for military service)

Avatar Profile: Luxury Real Estate Agent (Topic: Find high-end buyers)

Avatar Profile: Busy Mom (Topic: Protect Family From Germs and Viruses)


Avatar Identity

Your Avatar's Main Focus

Immediate Results They Want

Your Avatar's Ultimate, Long-Term Desired Outcomes

Urgent Problems They Need To Solve

Your Avatar's Pain Points

Critical Questions They Need Answered To Move Forward

Objections, Ideas, and Limiting Beliefs

Bottom Line "End Of The Day" Results Your Avatar Wants

Your Avatar's Enemy

Main Solution You Offer This Avatar

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