Mastermind Title Scripts - Keyword Specific
Mastermind Title Scripts - Keyword Specific
Use these scripts to create dozens and dozens of excellent, attention-grabbing, money-sucking course titles based on the keywords your ideal customers are searching for!
Use these scripts to instantly craft amazing mastermind masterclass titles based on the keywords your ideal customers are searching for right now!
Create Amazing Titles In a Flash
- Fill out the form below & click the "Build" button;
- Scroll through the results that appear below the form;
- Click on the blue text to change wording or click on the lock to lock in that wording;
- Click the blue shopping cart to save to the clip bin or the orange copy button to paste to your favorite text editor.
- Click on "Get Results" to download Text, Word, or PowerPoint version or have them emailed to you.
*Do Not Forget to click "Project" and then "Save" your project input for future use or changes! In order to Save you will need to log in. If you do not have a free account, click here to register free.