Gary Halbert's Long Lost
"Direct Marketing Secrets" Presentation

In this long lost video, the late, great Gary Halbert explains what you should focus on, what you should sell, and why!
This guy was a genius when it comes to direct selling AND content creation... and a real character to listen to... enjoy!!
Everything he teaches can be adapted to what we are doing today online... and that makes this absolutely insane when it comes to the principles you can apply right now today.
Translation: When Gary says the following, you think this.
- Direct Mail = Digital Marketing
- Mail = Email Marketing
- Letters = Email messages
- Book = Product
- Post Office = Autoresponder Service
- Direct Mail Piece = Sales Letter
- Small space display ads = online ads / FB newsfeed ads
- Lead generation ad = opt-in lead-magnet, tripwire offer
BONUS!! At the 49 minute mark, Gary mentions E. Haldeman-Julius, the man who sold over 100,000,000 books via mail order.
You can also download that book "The First 100 Million" Gary mentions FREE here (instead of paying $200-300 as Gary suggests you do):
- [op_file_download_item title="%22The%20First%20Hundred%20Million%22" icon="style1-Pdf-64x64.png" file="" package="" level="" new_window=""]In%20Windows%2C%20right%20click%20and%20choose%20%22Save%20As%22%20to%20download%20to%20your%20computer.%20In%20Mac%2C%20Control-click%20the%20link%20and%20choose%20Download%20Linked%20File.[/op_file_download_item]
Gary Halbert's Favorite Direct Response Headlines Wizard
This is my tribute to the late, great copywriting genius, Gary Halbert. He did more to teach direct response copywriting skills to our generation of online copywriters than any other person I could name.