Making Your Offer Stack Irresistible
Week 1 Day 3
Today I'm going to share my framework for creating the sales copy for an offer stack that makes people say "I gotta have it!"
From a sales copy perspective, the way you explain your offer stack is MORE important than the offer stack itself. So in this lesson I'm going to teach you how to use specific sales copy elements to communicate your stack as an irresistible offer.
Video #1: Making Your Offer Stack Irresistible
My Strategy For Creating The Sales Copy For An Offer Stack That Makes People Say "I Gotta Have That!"

Video #2: Offer Stack Titles - The EASY Button
How to instantly create amazing titles for each element in your offer stack using the FREE Core Title Script and your Product Specific Avatar

Access the FREE "Core Title Script":
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Video #3: Offer Stack Descriptions Decoded - The Story Behind The Stack
The 3 parts of a high-converting description that MUST go with EACH item in your offer stack. PLUS, a "blow your mind" demo of the Dynamic Stack Script

Access the Script:
Existing OFA Scripts Members and Funnel Scripts Unlimited Members can access "Dynamic Stack Script" Here
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