One Funnel Away Scripts
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One Funnel Away Scripts

Product Specific Avatar
Get A Really Clear Picture of Who You Are Selling To And Tie Them Directly To Your Product Or Service!

Core Headline Script
Create Headlines Based On Proven Formulas That Work For ANYTHING!

Dynamic Stack Script
Create Offer Stacks With Unlimited Numbers Of Items In Them
Use to create offer stacks with unlimited numbers of items in them. Use for paid, free offers... lead magnets, coaching... anything!!

Email Copy Generator
Create an awesome 6-email sequence to warm up ANY list for any purpose! Based on the sequence created by Yara Golden.

Epiphany Bridge Script
Create your "Epiphany Bridge Script" using this new Funnel Script.
Use for sales copy, video sales letters, webinars, speaking from the stage... anywhere you need to establish rapport by telling your story in a simple, emotional and powerful way for maximum impact.

Hook Story Offer Script
Use this script to create all the parts of your hook, story, and offer all at the same time. Specifically designed to go hand in hand with the OFA Challenge, this script works for creating everything you need

Killer Headlines V2.1
Use these scripts to create dozens and dozens of excellent, attention-grabbing, money-sucking headlines that virtually hypnotize people and stop them in their tracks!

Lead Capture Script
Create The Sales Copy You Need For Amazing Lead Generation Funnel Pages

Niche and Offer Detective Wizard
Research Your Niche and Brainstorm your Offer components using this new Funnel Script!

Offer Stack Script
Use the Offer Stack Script to create your offer stacks for anything. This amazing script helps you create compelling descriptions for each piece of your offer. It assumes you have 3 parts to your offer and 3 bonuses. You can, of course, modify this any way you want...add more or less pieces to your offer, etc.

OTO - Done With You (Over The Shoulder) Script
One Time Offer (OTO) to sell the extended version / masterclass of what you just sold them.
Use this script to create the copy to offer someone your masterclass or extended training for the smaller item / one-pager / lead magnet you just sold them.

One Time Offer (OTO) "More Of What You Just Bought" Script - Avatar Enabled
Use this script to create the copy to offer someone more of what they just bought.
Example: They just bought 1 bottle of supplements, make an OTO for 6 more.

One Time Offer (OTO) "Need Help / Coaching / Done For You Service" Script V2.0 - Avatar Enabled
One Time Offer (OTO) for coaching or a service for your customer to purchase after what they just bought from you to HELP them get the results they want faster by either you coaching them or doing it for them as a service.

One Time Offer (OTO) "Next Thing" / Next Step / Do It Faster Script V2.0 - Avatar Enabled
One Time Offer (OTO) for a product or service that is the "Next Thing" / Next Step / Way To Do It Faster for your customer to purchase after what they just bought from you.

Opt-In Hook Story Script
Create your hook, story, and offer for the One Funnel Away Challenge.Plus your call to actions!

Question Hooks Script - Avatar Enabled
Use this to create questions you can use as a giant hook for any type of funnel you might create!

The Framework Script
This script creates frameworks you can use for just about any purpose.
- Teaching your methods;
- Selling your framework;
- Explaining your framework;
- Explaining a step by step process.
- Etc.

Who, What, Why, How Script V2.0 - Avatar Enabled
Use this script to create sales copy for things that are low cost, free + shipping & handling, or don't require a lot of explanation or a long sales letter. Use this script to hit the main points and build credibility as quickly as you can.