Keys To An Amazing Epiphany Bridge Script Story
Week 3 Day 18
"People buy on emotion..." Ever heard that? It's true... people buy on emotion. And the EMOTION you inject into your sales copy, content, videos, and more to get people to buy is created BY the story you tell.
If you want to make your ideal customers emotional, you should tell them a story that gets them emotionally involved in you, your story, the story of your product (and how it relates to them personally).

Step-By-Step How To Find The Perfect Hook In Your Story
This video was taken on the 2CCX cruise for Russell's coaching group... Russell loved the training and told me everyone needed to see this training today.
Watch this if you want to be unstoppable with sales stories, and specifically with the epiphany bridge hero's journey style story.

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The Easy Button For Creating Epiphany Bridge Scripts
Use for sales copy, video sales letters, webinars, speaking from the stage... anywhere you need to establish rapport by telling your story in a simple, emotional and powerful way for maximum impact. This script will rock your world!

Access the Scripts Here:
Existing OFA Scripts Members and Funnel Scripts Unlimited Members can access "Epiphany Bridge Script" Here