Branding Yourself in a Tough Market – [podcast 15]

What makes you different?  Use your differences in the market and make it a strength.  
Welcome to Funnel Scripts Live with Jim Edwards… an Official Click Funnels Production” For more information – See Check out Funnel Scripts! 
This is a question from a Funnel Scripts user in Australia 

Hi Jim – I am a female in a male dominated area I have my own pest control company. I know everyone needs pest control especially here in Australia BUT how do I get my ideal customer when I have so many services I sell?   Thanks Jenny
 Jim Edwards discusses the options this type of entrepreneur and business owner can do to stand out in a market.  Stew gets scared and overly emotional when insects and snakes are mentioned too much.  Enjoy the lively discussion and Jim’s professional walk -through of two scripts to help Jenny tell her story and why she is the answer to all the things in Australia that can kill you. 
Once again, thank you for listening and if you want to be on the show or just ask your question and we can help you with it, go to: All the scripts we demo are available right now for Funnel Scripts members to use! And, if you’re not already a member of Funnel Scripts, you should be! Head on over to to get started today! If you’ve already seen the training and just want to sign up, go to


Jim Edwards: Hey guys, Jim Edwards here, and welcome back to Funnel Scripts Live…

I’m your host, Jim Edwards, along with my podcast producer…

Stew Smith: Stew Smith…

Jim Edwards: And we just want to remind you that this is the official FunnelScripts…

As you can see behind me, this is the official FunnelScripts Podcast posted with permission by the big man himself,

Mr. Russell Brunson.

So today, Stew we have something exciting in store for the folks that truly is a life or death situation…


Stew Smith: Yeah, this was a fun one…

It’s from Jenny down in Australia…

Jim Edwards: Oh, please don’t do an Australian accent…

Stew Smith: Trying not to was about to, but I decided not…

Jim Edwards: That is not a knife…

This is a knife.


Stew Smith: But this was a great one because I grew up in Florida and I would consider Australia and Florida…

Very similar because of what this woman does…

So here she is.

“I’m a female in a male-dominated area, and I have my own pest control company.”

Jim Edwards: Nice…

Stew Smith: Yes…

I know pest control in Australia where everything can kill you…

All right…

“I know everyone needs pest control, especially here in Australia…

But how do I make…

Get my ideal customer when I have so many services to sell?”

Jim Edwards: Okay…

So there’s. Actually, it was a relatively short question, but there’s a ton of stuff to unpack…

So I think there’s three things we need to address…

Maybe you can write these down, so we don’t forget…

One is the fact that she’s a lady…

Number two, there are tons and tons of different things she could focus on…

And number three, how can she use Funnel Scripts to help her sell more pest control services?

So the first thing, talk about the fact that she’s a lady.

I think that’s super, super cool because that can give her some ways to really differentiate herself.

And my personal opinion is that she should do something along the lines of framing herself or branding herself…

So I came up with like the spider lady because they got some spiders in Australia that apparently can just wreck you…

They got some really, really nasty spiders down in Australia…

They got some nasty snakes too…

Stew Smith: Oh Yeah critter removal alone…

I mean this has nothing to do with like…

“Hey, I’d get the pest control guy to come spray around my house, so I don’t get termites.”


This is, nothing to do with something eating your house…

This is something with biting you and killing you.

Jim Edwards: Yeah…

Stew Smith: Right…

Jim Edwards: Yeah…

Stew Smith: I think that can be a very big part of sales copy.

Jim Edwards: Right…

Stew Smith: When you are dealing with, especially countries like Australia or Florida, if you grew up in Florida…

Jim Edwards: There you go…

So Stew just said that Florida’s a whole country by itself, which I would agree with…

So the thing is for her, number one…

Some sort of a brand and something to push against because, in sales copy, one of the core tenants of sales copy is that you push against something so that it becomes us against them…

That’s a key thing that works really, really well…

So it’s not just us against the bugs, but it’s also her against traditional exterminators and I would build a whole campaign around a fictitious type character, a caricature of the traditional exterminator who shows up, and he’s filthy dirty…

He’s got a shirt with no sleeves on it.

He’s grimy, his hats on, he’s got these things on him that trailing behind this cloud of green smoke, like Pig Pen from peanuts and all he wants to do is poison everything…

His solution for everything is poison gas…

Just that would be the thing that I would do to make it so that’s the thing to push against…

So we’re not, ripping on people who aren’t that way…

So you can push against without offending your fellow professional…


So I would really play up the fact that I was a lady…

I was sensitive to moms because moms…

A lot of times, the moms are the ones who have to deal with this…

So they’re the ones that have to call cause dad, whatever it means…

Its dad should be taken care of it, but he’s not.

Mom gets tired of it…

It’s like…

Appeal to the ladies…

So, and the moms, you’re safe, you’re considerate, you’re not going to break their furniture, you’re not going to poison their cat…

You’re not going to do all these things…

So turn that into an advantage…

That’d be the first thing…

Stew Smith: Yeah, I would say that too…

But take a look at all the Discovery channel shows, right?

They always have crazy Discovery channel shows in Florida, Louisiana, Gator boys…

They’re going to get these Gators…

But there’s a couple of women in the show that go and do that, and they’re fascinating…

Jim Edwards: Right…

Stew Smith: There’s this one that they go and collect pythons out of the Everglades…


There’s a woman that does it and her segment of the show is really awesome.

Jim Edwards: Do you remember Elizabeth?

Lizabeth, Lizabeth from swamp people…

Lizabeth, Lizabeth shoot him, shoot him, Lizabeth, shoot him!

Stew Smith: But like I said, it is a little bit fascinating to see that in a male-dominated world…

Women out there kicking butt and doing the same stuff…


Jim Edwards: Just like we talk about funnel hacking…

You could character-hack you could see what’s appealing about those ladies and really play that up…

I think you could do really, really, really well…

Point out the fact that you’re a lady…

I mean, put it on the table…

Say I’m a lady, this is what I do differently…

This is, what makes me better.


So that’s the first thing…

What was the second thing we wanted to talk about?

Stew Smith: How do you use Funnel Scripts?

Jim Edwards: No, there was something else we needed to address…

Or we were talking about the lady…

Stew Smith: All the different services.

Jim Edwards: Oh, the different services…


That’s another thing that you gotta be careful of…

And that’s a typical marketing sales copy thing…

It’s like…

“Well, how do I write my sales copy so I can sell all of my stuff to everyone?”

And the answer to that is you absolutely cannot do that…

You, have to understand that someone who’s got whatever the box jellyfish problem…

That’s the little tiny jellyfish in Australia that kills you if it just brushes up against you…

That’s not really a pest removal thing…

But you know, I got a Black Mamba in my front yard…

I don’t care about termites, or I’ve got a spider with a cold Python pointed at me…

They don’t care about anything other than the pest that they have…

So you need to create front end funnels for each one of those products.

Well products, each one of those…

Stew Smith: Services…

Jim Edwards: PatternsYeah…

Stew Smith: So, have your insect one with the spiders and scorpions and all that, and you have the…

Jim Edwards: Yeah, but I don’t think you have a reptilian one…

I think you have a…

I wonder how this is going to do, but okay…

You’re going to have a whole bunch of different stuff that you’re going to do…

So you say like reptiles, insects…

I mean, I don’t know what the worst offenders are down there…

“Down under” ha get it?

Stew Smith: Well, I think reptiles that can poison you and reptiles that can eat you…

Jim Edwards: I don’t think they have a problem with Komodo dragons or anything in Australia…

Stew Smith: Crocodiles everywhere…

It’s crazy down there…

Saltwater crocodiles 20 foot long…

What are you going to do?

Jim Edwards: Not in residential neighborhoods…

Stew Smith: Hey, you never know? Florida has them in swimming pools…

Jim Edwards: That is true…

I would go with the one that people are having the biggest problem with…

Go with the one where the meat and potatoes calls are gonna come from…

And then I would assume that your backend funnel is, at least with our pest control guy is the monthly maintenance, the monthly come and spray and do all that stuff…

And I mean it works cause we got dead bugs all over the place on the outside of the house…

So I mean, thinking in terms of up, I figured that what happened…


The magic…

So thinking about that, you got the reptiles, you’ve got the insects…

I would go more like with the spiders and the termites…

Stew Smith: Yeah…

Jim Edwards: Okay…

Now, but also for the shock value and what Stew’s getting after of…

“Hey, people are afraid that they’re going to get poisoned or killed.”

I would definitely look at whatever that snake is that they have down there that’s really, really bad…

That hasn’t killed anybody since 1979…

But it could…

Stew Smith: I mean my, not killed anybody but it’s bitten people,

Jim Edwards: But is jacking people up…

Stew Smith: Animal up and put them in the hospital…

Yeah, so…

Jim Edwards: Entirely too entertaining…

Stew Smith: I grew up in Florida…

I have a long list of reasons why I will never move back to Florida…

And most of them have something to do with reptiles or insects or some other form of critter.

Jim Edwards: Red and black friend of Jack… Red and yellow kill a fellow.

Stew Smith: Natural Disaster…

Jim Edwards: There you go…

But wasn’t that the thing?

Red and black friend of Jack red and yellow…

Kill a fellow…

Stew Smith: Yeah…

Jim Edwards: I see a black, red, and yellow snake coming at me…

I’m not going to look at him to see if he’s like a cuddly snake or killer snake…

Stew Smith: See if you can remember a poem or not…

Jim Edwards: Yeah…

It’s not happening…

What did they teach you in the Seals?

You devolve to your lowest level of training…

Stew Smith: Yes… But, the only good snake is a dead snake.

Jim Edwards: Oh, man. Wow…

We digress…


I would just start creating these little front end funnels to start developing lists of people.

And you can do it with articles…

This is the perfect thing…

It just on an aside…

We’re going to demo Funnel Scripts here in a second…

But as an aside, if I were you…

Jenny, Right?

Stew Smith: Yes…

Jim Edwards: Jenny, I would start trying to write a newspaper column for your local paper…

Call it “Bug Facts” or “Pest Pointers” or some kind of something…

Offer to write it for free and just start publishing articles in the local newspaper and then adapting and using those articles online because…

The hook of a lady, and you can do stuff with seasonal…

Seasonal pests…

There’s, all kinds of stuff that you could do…

And to me, that would feed people into your funnels.

You could publish an article on spiders and then say…

“Hey, for a free report on how to really eradicate spiders or…”

“10 spider things to look out for…”

“Eight ways of Brown recluse can cause hand to rot off…”

Stew Smith: Yeah…

Social media to get some pictures of you holding 10 foot black Mamba up and…

A picture of some gigantic Wolf spider about the size of this…

Jim Edwards: Possum Slayer…

I see you’re thinking about this other thing…

I’m just thinking about, of humanely capturing possums…

Stew Smith: Yes, of course…

Jim Edwards: And skunks…

Now I will say the only good skunk is a dead skunk…

I’m sorry…

I’m afraid to look at the comments at just how many people we’ve offended today…


So with that said…

The bottom line takeaway from that is you got to have a bunch of little front end funnels that you set up that then feed into your ultimate funnel, which is going to be,

I assume…

Getting people on some sort of a monthly contract.

That is what I got assume as how you have your business set up.

Stew Smith: 100%…

Jim Edwards: What we wanted to do with that in mind is we want to show you a couple of Funnel Scripts that could help you with that…

All joking and…

How would they say joking?

Would they say shenanigans in Australia?

Anybody from Australia?

What, would you call the Tom Foolery that we’re engaging in?

I’m just curious…

We’ll look…


So first one I look at is the Facebook Newsfeed Ad Script…

And basically, we just filled this out for the pest control stuff…

“What’s your main keyword pest control?”

“Who’s your target audience as an Australian homeowner?”

“Name or title of what you want them to buy or try?”

I think the Spider Lady Pest Control is an amazing name…

Or title for something.

Stew Smith: Yeah…

It doesn’t have to be the name of your company, but it could be you…

Jim Edwards: Right…

Right, exactly…

I really think that the spider lady thing is cool…

It’s a service…

It’s proven…

“Want to get rid of spider scorpions and…”

We love this by the way…

“Get rid of spider scorpions and other creepy, crawly home invaders…”

I love that…

Stew support the creepy-crawly I did the home invaders…

When you wave your magic wand, when did they get the payoff?

This could have been when you wave your poison gas cylinder…

When do they instantly do they get their pay off in an afternoon?

And what’s the big obstacle?

Risking your family’s health or feeling like you’re being talked down to by a traditional exterminator.

I thought this was important too because I have hired people in the past to do stuff.

And in an industry like that, it’s easy to get talked down to…

And in my mind, in the stereotype, it’s the guy with the beard, who’s not listening to you…

Stew Smith: Hmm…

Jim Edwards: And, got the dirty shirt and shows up in a van or a lorry as they say, down under…

Stew Smith: Did not know that…

And just kind of talks…

It’s got a ladder on the top of the truck…

He’s got five more stops…

He’s two hours late for when he was supposed to be there…

He’s got half a greasy sandwich hanging out of his mouth, and he talks down to you like you’re an idiot.

That’s what you want to get across…

That’s not who you are…

I think that’s important.

So, we whacked the build button…

And now again, thinking about hot traffic, cold traffic, and whatnot, we can start putting together some Ads.

So, look at this…

“You too can get rid of spider scorpions and other creepy-crawly home invaders in an afternoon with the Spider Lady Pest Control…”

Dude, that’s mint headline…

Get rid of spiders…

Oh, the spider lady pest control the service that gets results…

I would change that to “spider lady pest control the service that helps you eliminate creepy-crawly home invaders”

Stop risking your family’s health or feeling like you’re being talked down to by a traditional exterminator with this spider lady pest control…

So there’s all kinds of goodies in here…

If you’re an Australian homeowner and you struggle with risking your family’s health, or you feel uncomfortable…

How about this…

If you’re an Australian homeowner who’s uncomfortable with risking your family’s health or feeling like you’re being talked down to by a traditional exterminator, then you need the spider lady pest control to get rid of those spiders, scorpions, and other creepy-crawly home invaders.

That’s some great post-text right there, dude…

I don’t care who you are.

Stew Smith: Yeah, that is good stuff…

Jim Edwards: So, down here, warm stuff…

“Here’s great news. If you want to get rid of spiders, scorpions, and other creepy-crawly home invader.”

I mean, that is like the ultimate fricking headline that you could use in a Facebook Ad or any other kind of Ad where you could geo-target…

“And attention Brisbane homeowners…

Here’s great news if you want to get rid of spiders, scorpions, and other creepy-crawly home invaders.”

And the other thing, like right now, I don’t know if this is going on where you are…

But right this minute, I’d be curious in the Q&A box of anybody else’s had the problem with this…

But we’re having a problem with fruit flies…

Every time, this, time of year at the end of the summer, beginning of fall, no matter what you do, the fruit flies if you don’t even have to have fruit in your house.

I mean, we, we have nothing going on in fruit flies just come, they just appear…

Everybody around in this whole area has a problem with fruit flies…

So if there’s a problem that happens at a certain time of year, then you want to go after what that hot button is…

“Problem with fruit flies? Call the spider lady, and she’ll have your fruit fly free…”

Ooh, check out that alliteration…

“Fruit fly free, fast”

Good stuff right there…

So I would say this makes it really easy to focus in on people’s problems…

And create some post text and other stuff.

And the way that Facebook Ads work now, it’s pretty much you can take these elements and mix and match and create unlimited ones…

“Great news if you want to stop risking your family’s health or feel like you’re being talked down to by a traditional exterminator for pest control.”

So anyway, there’s a ton of stuff in here…

And the other thing that also if you want to play up the…

The fact that you’re a lady, I mean there’s tons and tons in there…

Stew Smith: That is a lot…

Jim Edwards: Using the curiosity Ad Copy Scripts, you have an unlimited supply of Ad Copy here…

The curiosity Ad Copy Scripts, this is where you can really…

Again, if you were going to make display Ads…

You could make memes…

You could make product graphics…

Some of those texts, especially Jenny, seriously, if you had some cool pictures of you holding stuff that would make people’s freaking skin crawl…

Imagine creating it almost like a meme…

I’ll show you some stuff here in just a sec…

So this is the curiosity Ad Script…

But let’s look down here…

“Snakes and spiders fear her a shocking pest-control trick has snakes and spiders annoyed.”

How about?

“Snakes and spiders fearing for their lives?”

“Try this weird solution and kill those nasty bugs and snakes before they get in the house”

If you had this as the headline on the image and then you had this as the text with some kind of call to action…

But combining this text with a really cool picture of you holding some nasty stuff and…

Again, trying to create that brand…

I’m imagining a picture of a lady who…

Remember in Swamp People when that lady Elizabeth…

She’s out there killing alligators and skinning stuff…

But then they showed her all dressed up to go to her kid’s wedding, and she had on a dress and makeup and she looked amazing…

And the juxtaposition of that made it even more impressive.

What if you were holding these nasty things, but you look drop-dead gorgeous made up?

Would really create that juxtaposition that would increase the effectiveness of that meme of that picture…

Do you agree Stew?

Stew Smith: Hundred percent…

Jim Edwards: Okay…

Stew Smith: That’d be fun too…

Jim Edwards: Cause usually when I’m made up with all my makeup and stuff, people pay attention…

Stew Smith: Yes…

Jim Edwards: It’s interesting…

Stew Smith: So it works…

Jim Edwards: So as men do…

Let’s look down here…

“Want to kill those nasty bugs and snakes before they get in the house.”

“Click here for the number one secret…”

That’s mint right there…

I like that…

I don’t know if Jenny’s a mom or a grandma, but if this said grandma…

“Grandma publishes simple pest secrets that has angered snakes and spiders…

Grandma publishes simple pest control secret, snakes and spiders are furious.

Again, just that juxtaposition…

And the whole purpose here is to get people to click to get people to pay attention.

Stew Smith: It’s the hook…

Jim Edwards: To hook them…


Oh, I love this man…

“Here’s an old school tip to kill those nasty bugs and snakes before they get in the house in one day.”

That’s mint…

Stew Smith: Yeah… I like old school.

Jim Edwards: Here’s the pest control secret that snakes and spiders will never tell you…

“Here’s the pest control secrets, snakes and spiders don’t want you to know.”

Stew Smith: Hahaha! That’s actually entertaining.

Jim Edwards: I like that, though…

“Five odd pest controlled tricks that made this mom a professional pest control specialist.”

There’s something there, too…

Stew Smith: I like that…

Jim Edwards: I like that too…

Stew Smith: It’s really part of your story…

Jim Edwards: Exactly…


And in the end, again, what you need to do in order to be able to use Funnel Scripts the most…

Because one thing that I thought of here also…

You’re gonna want to use the Free Report Script as well, Jenny…

Because that I would have a cool free report and this will make it easy for you…

All you do is just answer some questions, and then it writes all the copy for you and also gives you a format and then all you do is just answer the questions…

What I would do would be to answer the questions in a recorded setting, like on zoom, then have it transcribed and boom, there’s your free report.

But I mean you can, you can create a free report that you can use these Ad Scripts to advertise again to differentiate yourself…

And I think the big thing is really to play up the fact that you’re a lady…

Play up the fact that you’re in a male-dominated world…

So come up with a stereotype that you can push against…

Also, make sure that you focus on a specific pest, a specific problem…

Don’t try and hit everybody with everything every time…

Now when you’re setting up your funnels, like your free reports or your deals…

Hey, I’ll come out and kill all your spiders, $49 or whatever it is…

But when you’re creating your content then, you have those little things set up…

Then you can create every day a different thing about a different pest…

You can live stream stringing up, possums or skunks or black Mambos are alligators or whatever.

There’s all kinds…

I mean, can you imagine the cool stuff that you could do with social media, with, going after pests…

Now you gotta be careful about people’s privacy and, homeowners and other stuff like that…

But as long as you’re not taking the picture of the dead skunk next to their mailbox number…

Some people…

“Hey, Oh my God, that’s at Mary’s house! Oh, she’s got a skunk…

We’re kicking her out of the garden club.”

You can’t do that…

But, just be smart about it…

Nobody can really be readily identified the underside of somebody’s house or something like that…

So be smart but really play it up…

Cause I think you could really develop a personality-driven business that could be very, very, very, very profitable.

Stew Smith: So may make a few videos throw, some “Krikey!”s in there.

Jim Edwards: Kraiky! Look at the size of this spider…


Well, there we go…

Well, I think that’s plenty…

What do you think, Stew?

Stew Smith: That was excellent…

Jim Edwards: Okay…

Stew Smith: That’s got me fired up a little bit…

Sorry about that, folks…

Jim Edwards: You were getting a little emotional about the bugs thing…

I will probe this later…

Maybe we’ll do a funnel about self-analysis…

Who knows…

But if you guys enjoyed this, let us know down below…

As always, all of the scripts that we just demoed are available to you inside of Funnel Scripts…

If you are a Funnel Scripts member, go use these scripts…

We’re constantly adding new ones…

We did amazing training yesterday by the way, about Thank You Page Profits…

How to make money off of your thank you pages…

It was amazing.

And if you’re not a Funnel Script subscriber yet, you should be.

We don’t have any more monthly charges…

We don’t have any more yearly charges…

You can get a Funnel Scripts unlimited account for one low fee.

And it’s will cost you less than hiring a professional copywriter to write three emails for you…

Go check it out or if you just want to sign up instead of watching the amazing webinar that Russell and I did together…

Stew, thanks for being here today and helping add some levity to a pesky problem…

And we will see you guys soon…

Have a great day…

