Packing Emotion into Sales Copy With Special Guest Dean Edelson of ClickFunnels – [podcast #13]

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Funnel Scripts helps you massively increase your profits by making it super easy to come up with just the right words for your Bridge Pages and Hooks. Based on Russell’s DOTCOM Secrets formulas, we show you how to choose the right funnel script for the job! Go to and become a member of Funnel Scripts.

Jim Edwards discusses sales copy emotion with professional copywriter Dean Edelson of ClickFunnels (http:// ) and demonstrates funnel scripts for creating incredible and effective sales copy that works for any business.

Funnel Scripts helps you massively increase your profits by making it super easy to come up with just the right words for your Bridge Pages and Hooks. Based on Russell’s DOTCOM Secrets formulas, we show you how to choose the right funnel script for the job! Go to and become a member of Funnel Scripts.

Once again, thank you for listening and if you want to be on the show or just ask your question and we can help you with it, go to: All the scripts we demo are available right now for Funnel Scripts members to use! And, if you’re not already a member of Funnel Scripts, you should be! Head on over to to get started today! If you’ve already seen the training and just want to sign up, go to  


Jim Edwards: Hey guys, Jim Edwards here and welcome to the official Funnel Scripts podcast brought to you by permission from the big man himself, Russell Brunson…

This is an official ClickFunnels podcast.

So I’m your host, Jim Edwards along with my trustee podcast producer…

Stew Smith.

Welcome, Stew…

Stew Smith: Hello.

Jim Edwards: And today we have a first, no, not the first bald man we’ve ever had on the podcast, but our first guest peer on the podcast…

So we want to welcome

Mr. Dean Edelson…

Welcome Dean…

Dean Edelson: Hey, thanks for having me Jim

Jim Edwards: And Dean, I’m, we’re super glad to have you…

I’m not awesome at Intros, but the cool thing and the reason that Dean is here, Dean is actually the senior copywriter at ClickFunnels.

So many of the cool sales letters that you see turned out now over at ClickFunnels…

Dean is the mastermind behind them.

So he is definitely an expert at copywriting…

He and I worked very closely on several projects over the last couple of… three-four months, some things that are going to be coming out in relation to FunnelScripts…

And you’ll want to keep your eyes out for those…

But Dean and I actually spent a lot of time together, going over and editing a whole bunch of copy and putting stuff together and became good buddies…

And Dean is good people as they say down here in the swamps of South Eastern Virginia…

“He’s a good old boy.”

Dean Edelson: And I have more teeth than the average old boy…

Jim Edwards: You get my full country boy endorsement…

So today the reason I wanted to have Dean on was because Dean is excellent and I mean excellent at editing copy and polishing it up.

Something that I used to be good at and then got lazy with…

And then Dean reminded me that I probably ought to get good at it again…

And so I have become very conscious of polishing up my copy.

So I want to have Dean just come on and talk about polishing copy and then also injecting emotion into copy…

And I thought we would show you guys the revamped FBM FBA bullet script and with a couple of things that should show you that you can inject emotion into just about anything…

That, I thought that would be kind of fun.

So, Dean, Stew had a question for you before we even got started…

Then a Stew go-ahead.

Stew Smith: Yes, Dean I like your background…

I’m just curious what is that is behind you?

I hope that’s not a to-do list…

Dean Edelson: Oh, boy, I wouldn’t be here if it was, I’d be doing it…

So these are reminders for me when I am writing a direct response sales copy…

Things that I need to infuse in my copy…

Now obviously getting all of that stuff in would be ideal, but if I can get a lot of that in it would be great…

And it includes things that are really important to remember.

Perfect Jim, just like that…

Jim Edwards: I’m trying to read, I’m not showing you the crown in my head, but that’s always saying seven something…

So I’m seeing lust, mystique, alarm, prestige, power vice.

Dean Edelson: Yes…

So that is from Sally Hogshead book called Fascinations…

It’s fantastic.

And those are her seven emotional triggers that create a desire for reading copies…

So those are the things that probably, we’ll probably spend some time talking about today…

Good copy always from the get-go…

Whenever you land on a page, whether it’s a landing page or a sales page…

You’ve got to capture an audience’s attention with all their noise and distraction out there and the messages and Facebook ads, wherever you are…

Somebody who’s trying to grab your attention…

Well, how do you grab it and keep it from one sentence to the next…

So these are the things that I have to constantly remind myself…

Like they’re written down because I can’t remember them…

I can’t even remember a fraction of what’s on that board.

Jim Edwards: I have, I have stuff all around…

I mean, I’ll show you…

I do the same thing, but I do it with note cards on all around…

Yeah, cards that remind me of this stuff…

It’s like, oh okay, I’m going to do a video now…

I’ve got to remember this or I’m going to do a demo, or I’m going to do the three secrets, or I’m going to do how do you figure out your niche or, you know, make a fast video…

So I understand that…

And, and I think, yeah,

Dean Edelson: We live in a post-it office,

I mean, that’s what it is…

We’ve got these post-it notes…

Oh, I’ve got these random thoughts because we don’t write it down…

It’s, it goes in, and it’s gone…

And then you’re kicking yourself because you’re not saying,

“What was that?”

Jim Edwards: Right,


Russell said something the other day, and I wrote it down, and it earned pride of place next to another thing…

And it’s that thing to remember to do what you’re supposed to do, and you’re absolutely right…

And it looks to me like that seven lists, those trigger emotion…

I mean, lust, mystique, alarm…


Dean Edelson: Yeah, those are just a few of them…

There’s to your left there…

There’s all of these things that for reasons that people buy the Perry Belcher listed, which are fantastic.

Jim Edwards: So the list that I committed to memory over time has always been make money, save money, save time, avoid effort, escape pain, and that…

And it’s like there’s 10 that I’ve always gone with that I can…

Remember off the top of my head…

But those are the first five…

I am trying to remember are the other five always doesn’t necessarily work for me…

And I’m looking through my book here…

Here we go…

Make money, save money, save time, avoid effort, escape pain, get more comfort, achieve greater cleanliness, hygiene, or attain better health, gain praise, feel more loved, increase popularity or social status.

That’s the list that I’ve always operated off of…

Dean Edelson: Well, you just include it in everything falls from status too…


Anything that, like even Russell says this in expert secrets, anything that increases status, what are those things?

Focus on those things…

And it’s going to be different depending on the product or service that you’re selling…

Jim Edwards: Absolutely…

So really trying to find the emotion inside of something…

A lot of people will look at it, and I’ve had people ask things like…

I sell fun little trinkets…

There’s (dos) don’t really solve a problem or satisfy a desire…

Yeah, they do…

You can find it if people buy stuff…

I have found, and I’d be interested in your thoughts on this, I have found the two main reasons people buy anything as it either satisfies a desire or it solves a problem or both. It could be that you’re bored…

The problem is I’m bored…

I need something to do…

But and that satisfies the desire of I need something to do…

But it really comes down to those two things…

Solve a problem or satisfy desire…

How do you feel about that, Dean?

Dean Edelson: Well, I agree and to put it those, in other words, as Tony Robbins says,

“We are motivated by two things in life…

The avoidance of pain or the pursuit of pleasure and everything stems from that.”

And you just couched it in those terms…

And that’s what it’s all about because your copy, you need something…

We’re very simple base creatures as human beings, which we’re on this planet to survive…

How are we going to survive?

We’re going to survive through comfort…

We’re going to survive by avoiding things that are going to hurt us…

Jim Edwards: Yeah…

I learned that in biology…

It’s the three F’s…

Feeding, fighting, and procreation…


Dean Edelson: And procreation starts with an f…

Jim Edwards: That’s right…

Dean Edelson: This is a good creation.

Stew Smith: That you’re getting deep into the limbic system (there of) the brain too…

Dean Edelson: Well, that’s, well, that’s where everybody comes from…

Comes from the what?

The amygdala and the…

Jim Edwards: The lizard brain…

Dean Edelson: The lizard brain.

Stew Smith: This is not psychology…

This is physiology…

Dean Edelson: Sure…

Stew Smith: If you really think about

Dean Edelson: Absolutely Stew…

Stew Smith: Yep…

Jim Edwards: Well, and that’s true, because if you can get the emotion going, the emotion is created by motion…

Emotion is created by feelings in the body…

And if your copy can cause a feeling in the body, a feeling of desire, a feeling of fear, a feeling of anticipation…

If you can cause feelings in the body, which is caused by the mind, you then you can create a desire to buy in order to get rid of the feeling or to increase and keep the feeling going.

Dean Edelson: And it’s the only way you can get people to buy Jim…

You have to get something in the body moving, and it starts with dumping the dopamine.

The dopamine has got to,

“I want that. Give it to me.”

How are you going to do that?

And you have to do it immediately…

You’ve got to like you said, he motion (E-motion) energy in motion…

Jim Edwards: Yup…

Dean Edelson: You’ve got to get the energy in the body going…

Jim Edwards: Absolutely…

Dean Edelson: You’ve got to get those neurons firing.

Jim Edwards: And if you can get that dopamine drop, that’s when I call it the pop of it’s when the logical brain disengages from the desire to push the button to order…

In other words, it there when someone at the beginning of the buying process, and you’d probably have a much more sophisticated way of explaining this, but the way I’ve always,

Dean Edelson: I probably do.

Stew Smith: Or we could just go real simple and say, this is shopper’s high, right?

This is the shoppers high…

Dean Edelson: Yeah, that’s what you want.

Jim Edwards: Thank you, Stew.

Stew Smith: That’s why I’m here.

Dean Edelson: Lizard brain is working at, it’s odd these days…


Jim Edwards: Lizard brain Smith…

Dean Edelson: I love that…

Jim Smith: Actually…

He’s pretty good…

He might not like it…

He’s gonna yell at me later…

I’m gonna have to apologize when we do our other podcasts…

Stew Smith: I’ll have a reptilian brain…

Jim Edwards: That is true…

Stew Smith: Some of us use it more than others…

Dean Edelson: Coined that…

Jim Edwards: There you go…

So, let me ask you this, and we’re going to talk more about emotion here in a minute, but you and I spend a lot of time together, hours and hours and hours editing some sales copy and really taking it to the next level…

Not just, I mean really polishing it down like a diamond and tell us just kind of…

And this could be an hour-long conversation…

But after you have your first draft, which Funnel Scripts is awesome at helping you come up with your first draft…

But once you’ve got a first draft done, however you get it done…

What is the process you go through to Polish it up…

Just give us some tips…

Dean Edelson: Sure…

So it stems from everything that we’ve been talking about…

So it’ll start with whatever the grabber, the hook, and the headline is at the top of a sales letter…

So if we’re looking at selling a product or service…

Every line that I read, is it going to trigger me emotionally?

Am I compelled?

Okay, so does this first line of copy, does that interest me?

Is it making me go,

“Whoa, oh, oh,”

You know, you want to have a little, you got to have an orgasm with everything that you’re reading…

Dean Edelson: That’s the double mean dumping

Jim Edwards: You in a hardware store…


“Oh Man, you’ve got to have that three eighths hex nut.”

Jim Edwards: So the first thing you look at is the hook there?

I mean, is there something that’s emotionally going to grab somebody right from the spot?

Dean Edelson: Do I have a bright shining light shining in my eyes?

Jim Edwards: Okay…

Dean Edelson: Is it, is it capturing my attention?

What is it?

Am I excited to read more?

Whether it’s drawing me in and it’s all based on desire…

I have the desire to alleviate my headache…

I have a desire to feel better about myself…

One’s pain, one’s pleasure…

Do I have the desire?

“Is this going to help me make more money?”

“Is this gonna help me avoid losing money?”

Jim Edwards: Right?

Dean Edelson: Right…

If I’m in the financial space, I mean greed is the massive driver there and fear…

Fear of missing out…


So is everything going to follow from that?

Is the headline, what is it about the headline?

So again, going back to Expert Secrets, right?

What are those things?

And we could talk about this, no matter what you sell, no matter what product or service you sell…

You have to look your new opportunity…

What’s the desire and what’s the mechanism…

The new mechanism, or the vehicle?

Is it unique?

Because the only thing that’s gonna trigger a dopamine release is something that is new, fresh, surprise…

Something that you haven’t heard before…

I mean, look, if you pick up a book and go, you know, I’m bored…

You used the word before…

Do I want to read that?

I’ve read this story before, and what’s on Netflix…

Ah, I’ve seen that…

That scene that I’ve seen…

Well, that’s because there’s nothing new, there’s nothing fresh, there’s nothing innovative…

So it’s got to be there.

So when I’m looking at copy when I’m editing, are all of these things following, am I continued to be interested in?

Then you have to into, well,

“Prove it to me.”

Prove that what you have is new, fresh, and it’s going to help me…

Jim Edwards: Right?

Dean Edelson: But what elements of proof do you have?

Why hasn’t this worked for me?

I’ve tried something like this before, so why should, why would you work for me now?

So now you’ve got to say, look, it’s not your fault…

Here’s why this didn’t work for you…

I’ve got something that’s going to take you out of that place and show you a different way to get the results you’re looking for…

Because obviously, you wouldn’t be reading this page or anything…

I’ve got to say, if it wasn’t triggering something in you that says,

“Oh, I haven’t seen this before.

I haven’t thought of this before…

I haven’t tried this before.”

Jim Edwards: Right?

Dean Edelson: So all of this is going through my head at the same time as I’m editing it and going through because this is what the reader is going through.

They’re not able to articulate it, but that lizard brain knows deep down what it is that it doesn’t have…

It’s not getting, but it can get from you.

Jim Edwards: Right…

I think that’s the stage…

And by doing it that way, they may not…

It’s like people say, I don’t know exactly what I’m looking for, but I know it when I see…

Dean Edelson: Yeah…

Jim Edwards: And that’s the point where that happens…

It’s like, okay, got it…

And that’s why using especially those five hooks that Russell teaches inside of Experts Secrets…

And have them right in front of me because they’re a part of Funnel Scripts, but it’s basically the little known big differences the well known little understood.

This changes everything in the crystal ball theory to revisiting the fundamentals…

Those are five angles you can use to give them the feeling of new, which is really what people are looking for…

They want the feeling of new, but they want the security of the familiar or the validation that it worked for somebody else already…

Dean Edelson: Right…

It has to relate to their problems…

So that’s what’s familiar to them…

What is the problem that they’re trying to solve?

Because if you can’t make that connection, which is the best way to make that connection is through story…

And if you can’t make that connection, you’ve lost, right?

Lost your reader, you’ve lost your video viewer, you’ve lost your buyer…

Jim Edwards: Absolutely…

Dean Edelson: So you’ve got to make the connection…

Empathy is critical.

Jim Edwards: Absolutely…


So let me ask you this…

How would you feel about…

Let’s jump over onto Funnel Scripts, and I want to play around with the revisions and stuff that I made recently to the FBM FBA bullet script and just play around…

I just want to play around with injecting emotion into a couple of things that…

I think people would get something out of it…

It would be a fun thing to do, and I’m sure the three of us can have some fun…

Is that cool?

Dean Edelson: That’s very cool…

Jim Edwards: So the first one…

And for those of you who are not familiar with Funnel Scripts, basically, Funnel Scripts is software that helps you write sales copy for your funnels…

We have I think over 60 individual online Funnel Scripts to help you do everything from creating webinars to bullets, to headlines, to complete email sequences…

We also have downloadable wizards that will help you create an entire perfect Webinar, your video sales letters, surveys, entire masterclasses…

I mean this is the Rolls Royce of automated software creation.

So one of the most important things you’re going to do is come up with bullets because bullets are what create pressure inside of people…

There are the things that help create curiosity and that drive to get people to say,

“Man, I got to have this.”

And so FBM stands for feature benefit meaning or feature benefit advantage where instead of most people when they teach bullets, they teach feature and benefit what it is and what it does…

But the best bullets are feature-benefit-meaning what it is, what it does, and the emotional impact of that particular feature.

So I actually was inspired by Dean…

I was playing around with this…

Got two different ones…

I’m going to show you guys, this is one for, I’m actually working on the OTO for my Copywriting Secrets book.

And so I was putting together bullets to put into the OTO script here inside of a Funnel Scripts, which is inside the dotcom Secrets Scripts…

So actually was using this, the OTO script, which creates one-time offer…

And so this is the actual offer in here, but I use the bullet script first.

And so let me show you the bullets that we came up with…

And I was actually inspired by Dean…

Dean, you will see this…

Because Dean loves to play around with different ways of showing the same thing to see which one has the most impact…

So actually created two more ways to show these bullets.

So I got the conversational bullets, which was the original way of doing them…

Then I had the succinct bullets where I’d take the feature, have that as a standalone thing, and then use this to describe it…

And then I have the parenthetical bullets, which creates a kind of Ying-Yang effect…

So here’s the first one,

“Seven-story blueprints you can use instantly, quickly pull people into your sales copy…

You can sell any idea, product, service, or software with the perfect story every time…

My step-by-step secrets for how to tell an amazing story, confidently tell stories the right way.

In any situation, you can put the power of stories to work you and your sales copy…

Even if you don’t consider yourself a storyteller, grab my million dollar sales stories swipe file…

See the stories that have made me the most money over the years…

You can see the power of stories and action…

Model them for your own sales copy…

Discover the three elements that go into every successful sales story…

Ensure your stories contain each critical element…

Your stories will sell like crazy, whether the three sentences of three pages long, it doesn’t matter, and discover how and why stories are hardwired into our caveman’s brains…

Tell the perfect story to sell whatever it is you sell…

You’ll instantly eliminate virtually any and all sales resistance and objections in the minds of your prospects.”

So what do you think of those bullets, Dean?

Dean Edelson: Those are, I like them because I like to use them…

I love using parentheticals…

I mean I use them, I have a lot of fun with them…

Like, the latest promo that’s running right now for Russell is the lead funnels sales letter…

So it’s a fun convention to use…

It’s a slippery way of getting more information in, and it’s also…

So these are great because what it’s like, here’s what it is, here’s what it does for your feature benefit…

And it’s almost like you’re whispering so you can “blah blah blah blah blah”…

So don’t tell anybody…

So it’s like an inside secret…

Jim Edwards: Exactly, yes…

Dean Edelson: That’s when you have when you’re whispering a secret to somebody, you’re going…

“oh…oh ooh…”, you know?

Jim Edwards: I don’t know if I will do that.

Dean Edelson: That doesn’t get the dopamine dumping…

Everybody wants to be in on that…

Jim Edwards: Right…

Dean Edelson: I would just be saying, how come he’s not whispering to me?

How come she’s not talking about me?

Jim Edwards: Right…

But here’s another way to do it too, with, with highlighting basically the, what it is…

So this is the feature and then benefit in meaning are down here in the description…

So that’s another way to present these…

Dean Edelson: So I want to point out something here that you’ve done here, which is…

…it’s also extremely effective…

Is that you’re using specificity…

You’re saying seven-story blueprints…

Specificity grabs our attention…

Creates desire…

Jim Edwards: Hmm…

What kinds of things do you like to do as far as highlighting and bolding and underlining and all that stuff?

How would you go through, I mean, I know what I would do, but what would you do to go through and, bold these and do that stuff?

Dean Edelson: Alright…

Stew Smith: And color also…

About color…

Just curious…

Dean Edelson: Yeah, and underline too, or italic…

So anytime you look if we’re talking about bullets here or any piece of copy, any sentence looking for that piece of copy that you think has the most gasoline in the tank…

Jim Edwards: Okay…

Dean Edelson: So sell any idea, product, or service…

If that is the desire of your audience…

So it’s not just what you think…

It has to be…

What does my viewer wants, right?

What is my potential prospect customer wants?

So yes, sell any idea…

Product Service…

Great for bold…

I, you know, I love seven-story blueprints…

Might be second or third…

Also perfect story every time I’m going,


That’s a massive benefit right there…

That’s a great selling point.

Jim Edwards: Okay…

Let me ask you that…

You said might be second or third, you mean in order?

Dean Edelson: Yeah…

I’m talking about if you are gonna pull something out…

So I thought that where you had “sell any idea product or service” first the word sell…

That’s why people are buying Funnel Scripts…

You’ve got to think of the core desire, the people who are buying it…

So, just let me back up a little bit here because there’s a lot of stuff going on…

So before I came on this call, I thought of Funnel Scripts as a whole, as a selling tool…


Jim Edwards: Okay…

Dean Edelson: And I thought, what is it?

So I put it in the framework of where would I start if I were going to write a sales letter about Funnel Scripts…

I think about it in terms of new opportunity, desire, and new mechanism…

So if you don’t mind, I’d like to share what I wrote and you tell me if this resonates with you.

You may have had something completely different…

And the great thing is that when you’re doing this, and the great thing about Funnel Scripts, is it gives you lots of choices.

Jim Edwards: Right…

Dean Edelson: Because we don’t know, we can have an idea if you’re not totally serving your audience the best you can do as let me put it out there and test it…


We don’t live in a perfect world…

So here’s the core belief of somebody who’s buying Funnel Scripts…


Jim Edwards: Okay…

Dean Edelson: Funnel Scripts – cranking out high converting sales copy and less than 27 minutes is the key to launching your funnel in record time…

And it’s only available through Funnel Scripts.

Jim Edwards: Okay, cool…

I like that.

Dean Edelson: So it’s something I’m going, okay, where would I start with this?

What is the core desire of the audience of somebody who’s buying FunnelScripts?

Well, they have ClickFunnels, they read Dotcom secrets and, and Expert Secrets…

And so why would they get this?

Well, most people don’t know how to write sales copy…

So what’s the core desire?

So the new opportunity here is to crank out high converting sales copy and less than 27 minutes…

Jim Edwards: Right?

Dean Edelson: Huge new opportunity…

The desire is to launch your funnel in record time, get your funnel out the door…

That’s the key desire…

And the mechanism is Funnel Scripts…

Jim Edwards: Right?

Dean Edelson: The only way I can do it…

So if you can get your audience to believe that you’ve won…

You’ve won.

That’s the core belief that your audience holds…

And we can play with that…

So you can go back, and it takes a lot…

It takes thought…

Jim Edwards: Yes…

Dean Edelson: Well, you’ve done with Funnel Scripts is just amazing because you’ve taken all of these different elements of persuasive sales, direct response sales copy, and you’ve put it into this software that’s semi-intuitive, right?

Jim Edwards: Right…

Dean Edelson: It’s not complete AI, but it’s amazing…

Jim Edwards: The close that we can get it right now…

Dean Edelson: Right now…

Jim Edwards: Right…

Dean Edelson: So going back to the bullets, I still think in these terms…

Jim Edwards: So you want me to show them again?

Dean Edelson: Yeah…

Jim Edwards: Okay…

Dean Edelson: So this one, looking at this, let’s look at a different example…

Jim Edwards: Okay…

So let’s look at an example that somebody over the weekend…

I had somebody say to me,

“Man, I’ll go to do this, and I’m not sure how to do it.”

Dean Edelson: Why are you even talking to a person that talks like that to you?

Jim Edwards: I don’t know…

Stew Smith: I don’t believe it…

I don’t believe they talk like that to him…

I think he does it for comedic effect…

Jim Edwards: That’s true…

So this one is, somebody in my group said I want to sell a tee shirt for bakers…

For hobby bakers and they and which Funnel Script should I use?

And I actually went through and use the Brunson bullets script, and I used the FBM FBA bullets script…

And so this is what I came up with.

And this is the thing that I want you to play around with some bullets and stuff…

So this is literally trying to have bullets to sell a tee shirt to somebody…

“So eye-catching design, share your baking pride so the world will know your passion for baking…

Fun way to show off your baking hobby…

Meet other bakers who see your shirt…

Which means you can create friendships with people who love baking as much as you do…

Give an amazing fun gift to yourself and every banker in your life…

Show your appreciation for the art of baking…

And that means you’ll feel the love every baker deserves…

Stand down in any crowd of bakers…

Be the one that everybody looks at and smiles…

Which means they’ll know you’re serious about your baking…

Enjoy a fun conversation starter…

Break the ice in any event or gathering…

So you’ll be the star of the show no matter where you go.”

So that was trying to make a tee shirt for Baker’s sexy…

What are your thoughts about how we could make that better or different, or what do you think?

Dean Edelson: So when people buy t-shirts, so look at the one that you’re wearing now…


Hold up your tee shirt that you’re wearing…

Jim Edwards: Okay…

Dean Edelson: Okay…

Funnel scripts…

Why do you wear it?

Jim Edwards: So people will buy Funnel Scripts, and my wife will be happy cause don’t have to go get a real job…

Dean Edelson: Okay…

What’s the real reason?

Jim Edwards: The real reason is feeling connection with the brand…

Feeling connection with what the brand is all about…

Feeling connection with the community that’s built around the product…

For me it’s connection…

Stew Smith: Also, he likes unicorns and rainbows…

Jim Edwards: I love Unicorns and some degree rainbows depending on their positioning with the Unicorn…

Dean Edelson: Okay…

Are you proud?

Jim Edwards: I am proud.

Dean Edelson: Okay…

And this is the questions I’m going to ask you.

It’s about ego, but it’s not about being egotistical.


So connection is one, which is why we wear…

It’s identity.

Jim Edwards: Okay.

Dean Edelson: It’s a huge thing…

It’s you, Jim Edwards equals FunnelScripts…

Jim Edwards: Okay?

Dean Edelson: You created it…

This is yours.

So there’s pride.

There is status.

The things that you’re creating, our community, you’re creating a tribe…

All the things that Facebook does…

This is why Facebook is the biggest social media platform.

Jim Edwards: I am using my redneck iPad by the way.

Dean Edelson: Okay…

Love it…

Jim Edwards: Okay…

So with the baker, this guy’s in love with baking as a hobby.


Jim Edwards: Yep.

Dean Edelson: And he knows…

And the proof is looking at all the baking shows on TV…

Jim Edwards: Yeah…

From Iron Chef and hell’s kitchen and the great British Bake off and the chef show with Jon Favreau even select…

I mean actors are getting into the gang…

Jim Edwards: So obviously, I asked the right man about this rights Stew?

Stew Smith: Absolutely.

Jim Edwards: Dean’s closet, Baker…

Dean Edelson: So my wife loves the great British bake-off, and I’ll watch it with her.

And it’s fantastic because it’s so different than hell’s kitchen…

It’s a different approach.

So everybody’s going to find their thing because they’re nice to one another…

These are hobbyist bakers in the kitchen, all baking at the same time…

And if somebody is having a problem, one of the bakers will drop what they do, and they’ll go help somebody else…

Jim Edwards: Okay…

Dean Edelson: It’s totally different than you know the hell’s kitchen type…

So getting back to this, there’s a sense of bonding and community…

So when you’re thinking of triggers, I’m thinking status…

Jim Edwards: So what we wrote down in case you’re forgetting connection, pride, identity status, community slash tribe in love with baking as a hobby.

Dean Edelson: Right…

So the end result is these people are baking bread, they’re making pastries, they’re making desserts, they’re making a casserole.

So once they make it, they want to be told…

Once they give it to somebody to eat, or whoever’s judging that…

“Oh my God, that is the best barley bread I haven’t ever eaten.”

Stew Smith: That’s a passion…

Jim Edwards: “That’s the best cinnamon swirl I’ve ever put my lips around.”

Dean Edelson: It’s amazing…

“What does this have rosemary?”

“Does it have thyme in it?”

“What the heck?”

“What are those ingredients?”

That’s the feeling…

So if you can convey that on a tee-shirt, that sense of pride, that sense of identity, that sense of fun, the work that goes into it.

Jim Edwards: Nice…

Dean Edelson: I can’t believe you’re reading this tee shirt with all the powder and dough and flour I’ve got on it…

I mean, it’s something where you can have fun because most hobbies, bakers are having fun even though they screw up and they…

” Oh, I should have baked it at 375 instead of 400 now I overcooked it…”

They go through all this, but the end result is…

sick of the end result,

Jim Edwards: Right.

Stew Smith: They had fun… And they fulfilled a passion.

Dean Edelson: They painful fill, the passion…

And if you can convey that in these fun t-shirts, slogans…

You can’t get me out of the oven…

I’m in the kitchen to stay, you know?

Jim Edwards: I love it…


So that’s good…

I should’ve called you before I wrote the bullets…

Dean Edelson: No, no, no, no… No, no, no…

Those are really good…

Really good bullets…

This is just more ingredients in the cake…

Stew Smith: There you go…

I like it…

Jim Edwards: Nice…

I like that too…

Well done, Dean…

So let me show you the ones I used the Brunson bullet a script…

Because these are more just one-off stuff…

But this would be one where I think you could use a lot more.

I mean like the, just a rapid-fire, Bam, Bam, Bam approach…

Helps you show your baking pride for all the world to see…

Get you more attention for your world-class baking skills…

Makes it easy to share your passion for baking with the world…

Gives you a fun way to start conversations with other hobby bakers.

Avoid feeling like a wallflower at any family gathering.

I didn’t like that one.

The real secret for how to make a lasting impression on all your baker friends…

How to give an amazing fun gift to any and every baker in your life…


Show the world that you love baking…

Quickly stand out in a crowd and share your love of baking with everyone you meet…

Escape the feeling that you’re hobby boring and only for nerds.

Discover other people who share your passion for baking and stop worrying about being just another baker in the crowd.

So those were kind of more rapid fiery ones instead of the feature benefit meaning…

Dean Edelson: Right, which is great because when you say rapid-fire, you just want to get this out because everything that you’ve written can stand on its own or it can be a springboard for something else depending on who’s in the kitchen because everyone may have a little different desire…

So I those are fantastic.

Jim Edwards: You know, and one thing I’m just curious like this one, show your baking pride for all the world to see…

We were talking about hooks and stuff…

And I don’t know if this happens to you, but when I’m brainstorming bullets, a lot of times I’ll have the perfect…

What I think is the perfect…


Do you ever brainstorm a bunch of bullets and then take a couple bullets and combine them together and it ends up being the headline?

Does that ever happen to you?

Dean Edelson: Oh, sure…

Jim Edwards: And then do you ever brainstorm a bunch of headlines ago, and that’s not a good headline, but that’s an awesome bullet.

Dean Edelson: Yes…

I mean there are great things that you can swap out because if you’ve got something in a headline that you can use, let’s say…

“Oh man, this headline is getting confusing…

I’m trying to pack in way too much, and it’s just a distraction.

Let’s take this piece out and put it in a bullet.”

Jim Edwards: Right?

Dean Edelson: Let’s put it into the story.

Jim Edwards: Yup…

In the script and the same thing because who thinks in terms of headlines?

Jim Edwards: Right?

Dean Edelson: We think in terms of bullets, more often…

We have a fleeting thought, and we say,

“Oh my gosh, that’s the kernel for a headline that can drive this entire sales letter or the subject line that can drive this email.”


Or here’s the bullet…

“Oh my gosh, this is a great lead magnet for my landing page.”

So everything is, has the possibility and that’s actually a luxury of being interchangeable.

Jim Edwards: Something, I’m just looking at this list and then we got to wrap this up…

But, and this has been a lot of fun, and I appreciate it, but you know what, you could use this list for a whole lot of things besides baking…

You just described any niche that someone feels really, really connected to feeling a connection, pride, identity status, community, tribe in love with…

Dean Edelson: Fill in the blank.

Jim Edwards: Blank…

As a hobby…

Fun, work, passion, that’s…

That’s pretty cool…

So anyway, I think we’re good…

Stew Smith: Hey, real quick, I have one question for you…

We can finish with this one…

In your Funnel Scripts copy that you just read just a minute ago…


Dean Edelson: Yes…

You hit me with the specificity of 27…

27 minutes…

Why 27?

Dean Edelson: Because I thought one, I like odd numbers…

I love numbers that end in seven, nine, or three or a one odd numbers…

Just they catch our attention…

So I thought,

“Okay, it’s a little too short for a sales letter, but something that Jim just showed me, if you’re doing this and plugging some things, and that probably took maybe 10 minutes, it’s on the short side.”

“But if you’re writing let’s say a landing page or a maybe the hook story offer about 30 minutes to plug in what you know, so that’s why I chose 30.”

I didn’t want to go make it like, “Oh 5 minutes.”

That’s just, okay, come on…

That’s BS…

Gotta be believable…

If, I’m not believable if you’re not believable and anything that you put into your copy, you’re going to lose your audience.

So that’s why, because there’s proof elements there because Jim can say,

“Okay, if you’re writing just a headline or a hook, Bam, we’ve done this before, live in a training, five minutes.”

You just answer like four or five questions and you’re turning out bullets, you’re turning out headline ideas.

Jim Edwards: Absolutely…

Stew Smith: Right…

So you would say that instead of saying 30 minutes, you would prefer to just say 27 because that caught my attention more than 30.

Dean Edelson: Correct…

Or I would say if it’s 30 minutes, I’d go 31 minutes…

Stew Smith: Okay…

Jim Edwards: And, use it…

I’ve found with time, just time…

Anything that has to do with time, what you want to do is have an odd number, and you want it to push the edge of believability but not step over the line…

And you also don’t want to say something that makes somebody go,

“Oh, well yeah, whatever… It’s like you, you don’t think about it.”

So I had a book a long time ago that I wrote with another guy that it was a 30-day plan for how to launch your business and stuff, but we called it 33 days to online profits, and it became a juggernaut.

I mean, it was one of the most popular ebooks of all time, right around the turn of the century.

Stew Smith: Yeah…

Jim Edwards: And Dean actually bought that book back in the day.

Dean Edelson: I bought it…

That was the first Internet product I ever bought…

Jim Edwards: Wow…

And I remember, and can I mention your partner’s name on that one?

Jim Edwards: Sure…

Yanik Silver…

I remember it…

And back Stew, back to your question about odd numbers…

Think about this, and this is how it’s used on a grand scale globally…

Think about gas station prices…

Stew Smith: Oh yeah.

Dean Edelson: They’re were all odd numbers…

They end in a seven or nine, a three, five yeah…

And nine-tenths.

Jim Edwards: Makes people stop and pay attention…


I was wanting to get that nine-tenths worth it, and I want exactly one gallon, so I should be getting one 10th of a cent back…

Dean Edelson: Where’s my know where you’re that when you pull the nozzle out and it drips onto the pavement…

Jim Edwards: Under your hand, onto your shoe, onto your pants when you’re getting right back in…

Dean Edelson: Or it’s what’s wearing the car paint away…

Jim Edwards: Awesome…

Well Dean, we really, really, really, really appreciate you joining us.

This was a lot of fun…

It was a lot of fun, educational, and just great fun and neat.

And you’re a wonderful guest and a great guy, and we really appreciate that.

If people want to find out more about you and what you do, where can they go?

Dean Edelson: They can go to Funnel Hacking Live.

I’ll be there.

Jim Edwards: Okay…

Dean Edelson: They can also catch me at, and it’s the numeral one,…

Jim Edwards: Awesome…

We appreciate you and those of you that are already members of Funnel Scripts…

Go use the scripts that we’re showing you.

I’m gonna, load some new examples in these two bullets scripts…

The ones I’ve worked on over the weekend, so you’ll be able to play with those…

If you’re not a member of Funnel Scripts, you should be…

And go to for a great training with Russell and myself for three incredible secrets about copywriting plus great demos of Funnel Scripts…

And if you’re on the fence and you’ve already decided, you know what, it’s time to get off the fence…

We have emotionally involved you in Funnel Scripts…

Then head on over to sign up…

We do not have monthly or yearly billing anymore…

You pay one time and have unlimited access to Funnel Scripts…

Never pay again.

So thank you, Dean…

Thank you, Stew…

Great job fellas, and thanks everybody for joining us live for FunnelScripts Live, and we’ll see you guys soon…

Bye Bye, everybody.

