Selling on Youtube – Video Sales Letter – [podcast #11]

Welcome to Funnel Scripts Live with Jim Edwards… an Official Click Funnels Production” For more information – See Check out Funnel Scripts!

Funnel Scripts helps you massively increase your profits by making it super easy to come up with just the right words for your Bridge Pages and Hooks. Based on Russell’s DOTCOM Secrets formulas, we show you how to choose the right funnel script for the job! Go to and become a member of Funnel Scripts.

Today’s topic:  Selling and Making Money on Youtube – We have a guy wanting to sell a course on youtube. If you have a new idea you want to sell find out 

what is the fastest way to get this idea up and running to test with as little time / money investment as possible.

VSL – Video Sales Letter Wizard Walk-Through. 

Funnel Scripts helps you massively increase your profits by making it super easy to come up with just the right words for your Bridge Pages and Hooks. Based on Russell’s DOTCOM Secrets formulas, we show you how to choose the right funnel script for the job! Go to and become a member of Funnel Scripts.

Once again, thank you for listening and if you want to be on the show or just ask your question and we can help you with it, go to: All the scripts we demo are available right now for Funnel Scripts members to use! And, if you’re not already a member of Funnel Scripts, you should be! Head on over to to get started today! If you’ve already seen the training and just want to sign up, go to  





Jim Edwards: Hey guys, Jim Edwards here and welcome back to Funnel Scripts Live…

The official, endorsed podcast for Funnel Scripts brought to you by permission from the big man himself, Russell Brunson…

And remember on FunnelScripts live, we always do exactly what Russell says…

I’m Jim Edwards, co-creator of Funnel Scripts…

And along with me, I have my…

Stew Smith: Stew Smith producer.

Jim Edwards: podcast producer, Stew Smith…

I should have introduced you better, sorry!

Stew Smith: That is alright, you are the man!

Jim Edwards: Stew is the one that helps me to get these podcasts done…

So Stew, what is the question of the week?

Stew Smith: So, Jim, we have a guy wanting to sell a course on Youtube…

And so basically it comes down to this, you have a new idea you want to sell…

What is the fastest way to get this idea up and running to test with as little time and money investment as possible?

Jim Edwards: Okay, so we get that question a lot…

It’s like, “Hey, I want to test an idea, or hey, I’ve got this, I want to sell this, and what’s the fastest way that I can get something up?”

“Which scripted I use to create a sales letter?”

“Which script should I use to create something?”

And one of the things I would tell you is you want to go review Russell’s funnel hacking cookbook because there are a bunch of different ways to do this…

So what I’m going to show you what we’re going to talk about is one way to do this, and based on what you said, the latest person to ask this question, this guy’s got a course about Youtube that he’s selling or he wants to do this on Youtube…

Stew Smith: Yeah… He’s selling a course on Youtube…

Jim Edwards: Okay, about Youtube…

And I would assume it’s some kind of a course looking at the application that he put in was basically, it’s a course on how to drive traffic with Youtube…

Stew Smith: Yes, and actually make money by having more people watch your Youtube videos and watch the ads and monetized ads and things like that…

Jim Edwards: Okay…

So, okay, cool…

That’s cool…

That’s good to know…

So, what I will tell you guys is that again, there’s a hundred ways to skin a cat…

Sorry, cat people…

But I would never say a hundred ways to skin a dog…

This is one way to do it…

That’s why I said you want to look at Russell’s Funnel Hacking Cookbook.

Stew Smith: Always say Jim, it’s a way to do it, not the way to do it…

Jim Edwards: Okay, that’s yes.

So the very first thing that you’re going to need is a headline or a hook, and we’ve got tons and tons of scripts inside of Funnel Scripts for creating headlines and hooks…

And I don’t feel like demoing one of those today…

So I’m just telling you that we have at least six different scripts in there to do headlines and hooks…

That’s the number one thing you need…


The next thing I do…

…and this is what I do when I’m testing…

The next thing you need is a Video Sales Letter because a video sales letter is the fastest way to come up with something you can throw on a page that you can test that as long as you’re following the patterns…

And we’re actually going to create a Video Sales Letter for this guy in this podcast episode…

So next thing you need to have a video sales letter…

Right underneath the headline is the video sales letter.

You can use Wistia, which is a service that will autoplay the thing for you and autoplay in all the browsers that won’t let you autoplay in any other way…

Wistia, you can autoplay…

So the next thing you need underneath that called action, we have a script…

We have the call to action script inside of Funnel Scripts…

This right here is enough to test an offer…

If you’re under a hundred bucks, you can test your offer just with this.

This is all you would need…


Now I’m going to talk about how you’re going to drive traffic…

But if you want to drive traffic with Facebook, you can use the Facebook, the FB ads script inside of Funnel Scripts…

If you want to use pay per click, you can use the pay per click…

You can do other ads, you know, creating ads…

We got ads inside of Funnel Scripts to help you do that.

Now if you want to also, and I will do this too, but you don’t have to test, I will add some bullets…

We have bullet scripts inside of Funnel Scripts…

We have the Brunson bullets, and we have the FBM bullets…

I would personally probably use the Brunson bullets if it’s something that you feel real confident that you just need to have a few bullets down there…

Otherwise, I would use the FBM one, and I would spend some time on it and really have a half a dozen really cool bullets…

Again, assuming you don’t have a big offer stack, it’s like just one thing…

And then the last thing I would put on there would be the guarantee…

You know, what’s the guarantee?

So, Headline, Hook, VSL, Call To Action, Bullets, Guarantee, and then another Call To Action down below…

Is there other stuff you can add?


Is this the fastest way to put something up to test?


It really just this part is the fastest way to put something up to test…

The key in this whole thing…

The most important part is the headline hook…

The thing to stop them in their tracks…

But the thing I want to show you now is the VSL because you’ve reviewed it…

Once you stop, your VSLs got a rock, and everybody thinks,

“Oh man, it’s gonna take forever to write a VSL…”

I’m gonna write a VSL that’s good for a product I know nothing about in the next 10 minutes…

So that will show you the power of Funnel Scripts…

Stew Smith: I love it!

What I’m going to show you now, you see this writes to the VSL wizard…

So we’re going to fill this out live and let me know what you guys think down in the comments below…

And we’ll take a look at those if we have time…

But let me know what do you think this is cool or not…

So I’m going to do it as if it’s mine…

I don’t know the student’s name…

We’ll just say, you know, that I’m offering this…

So the topic of my product book, etc.…

Is Youtube Traffic and Marketing, right?

Stew Smith: Yup…

Jim Edwards: Okay… Or does it make money with Youtube?

Stew Smith: I think both are similar, right?

Because you get more traffic, you’re going to make more money with Youtube…

Jim Edwards: Okay… So we’ll just do Youtube, traffic, and marketing…

What’s the name of, well, let’s make up a name…

It’s YouTube Profit Machine…

Stew Smith: Oh, I love it…

Jim Edwards: I don’t know if Youtube will let us use Youtube in the name…

Probably not a good idea to use their name in there…

I’m not an attorney, nor do I play one on TV…

You should not take anything I say seriously…

And you should consult the appropriate professionals such as your veterinarian as for any appropriate legal advice…

So I would not do anything that had Youtube in it…

So we’ll call it “Tube Profit Machine.”

Stew Smith: Yeah.

Jim Edwards: All right!

How much does our product service software costs in terms of money?

What would we charge for this thing?

$97 bucks…

Stew Smith: Let’s do it…

Jim Edwards: Okay, so just $97…

And how much time does it take to start getting results with your product, service book, etc.?

So with the first video, with your first video, you can start seeing results…

All right…

So who is our target audience is an entrepreneur…

Is it a video marketer?

Is it a, well, and here’s the thing…

We could totally just nail this for funnel hackers…

We could nail this just for authors…

We can nail this for content marketers…

We can nail this for work at home moms…

What would be…

Who do we want to go with?

Let’s say, funnel hacker…

Stew Smith: Take your pick…

Jim Edwards: Okay…

We’ll say funnel hacker and the next one.


So our ideal customer, how would you describe your typical ideal customer and what they want?

So who they are…

Plus what they want…

So it’s a funnel hacker who wants more targeted traffic to their funnels…


And that’s ultimately what people want…

More targeted traffic, more targeted…

How about more targeted eyeballs?

I like that better…

All right, so the next one is pressing need…

What is your ideal customer’s main pressing need?

My customer really needs to blink, but can’t…

So my customer really needs to get more traffic and maximize profit, but can’t

Stew Smith: get eyeballs…

Jim Edwards: Figure out how to use…


Stew Smith: eyeballs to his page…

Jim Edwards: How to get eyeballs on your offers using Youtube.

How about that…

Stew Smith: There you go…

Jim Edwards: Which by the way is the second largest search engine in the world…

And believe that’s true…

I would go verify that, but since I’m not actually selling this, I can say whatever I want…

The main solution your product gives your audience on the silver platter?

My product shows you how to use Youtube to not only drive traffic to your funnels, but also maximize revenue through ad clicks…

Is that cool?

Stew Smith: Yup…

Jim Edwards: Okay…

What negative person, thing, or circumstance do they believe is working against them?

The biggest hurdle you have to overcome is the belief that the only place to get traffic is Facebook…

Cause that’s what a lot of people think now…

You know, when they think I got to drive traffic there, the only thing they think of is Mark Zuckerberg who wants you to believe?

There you go.

The only place to get traffic is from Facebook…

I should’ve had you time this…

Why is this hurdle such a huge deal for your target audience?

So this hurdle…

The obstacle is Mark Zuckerberg wants you to believe that the only place to get traffic is from Facebook…

This is a big deal for you because sometimes Facebook is not a good source of traffic and their ad costs keep going up…

Stew Smith: Good point…

Jim Edwards: All right?

And the circle really hurts you because it means if you try to only get traffic from Facebook, you’re missing out on…

How am I doing guys?

Does anybody keep track of how long this has taken is not taken that long?

You’re missing out on millions of potential customers you could find on Youtube.

Jim Edwards: Alright, so wrong idea…

So what’s an idea of your target audience believes it’s true, but it’s actually completely wrong…

So even though it’s not true, many people believe selling your home without an agent, it’s really hard getting new driving traffic from Youtube is really hard and takes a long time…


So now we’re going to do five cool results that someone’s going to get from this course…

So they should all start with a verb…

So number one, what’s the number one thing that this course is going to do for people, Stew?

It’s going to show you exactly how to drive traffic with Youtube,

Stew Smith: Right.

Jim Edwards: Okay.

Stew Smith: Get more followers…

Jim Edwards: Even if you’ve never made a video before, okay?

It’s gonna help you get more followers and subscribers even if you’re starting from zero…


So we’re going to get traffic, we’re going to get followers…

I think we should talk about sales cause that’s the three big things everybody wants in anything is traffic, subscribers, and sales…

So massively increase your sales by getting your message in front of the right people…


What else?

This is where it starts to get a little hard because we’re trying to think…

Oh, maximize revenue by…

What I want to say is maximize revenue by leveraging paid ads on your videos…

Stew Smith: That’s perfect.

Jim Edwards: All right…

So you soak up every dime in profit and what’s one more big result?

So we did maximize revenue by leveraging paid ads, increased sales by getting your message in front of the right people, help you get more followers and subscribers even if you’re starting from zero…



I’ve drive traffic…

Oh, how about there’s something about, I mean, the course would obviously show you what kinds of videos to make.

Stew Smith: save time, make videos

Jim Edwards: Save time by making videos…

Your audience really wants to watch and can even go viral…

To get you tons of free traffic…

That cool?

Stew Smith: Sure…

Jim Edwards: Okay…

Stew Smith: I like it…

Jim Edwards: Okay… Are you buying my course?

You guys let me know…

Let us know in the Q&A down below if this is getting you excited or not…

Cause we’re almost done…

I don’t think we’ve been doing this for more than about 10 or 12 minutes…


So now we’re going to do three reasons to act…


Three biggest reasons why they should act now, and we’re not going to use some artificial deadline or something…

This should be something that is emotional and evergreen that they’re going to do…

Stew Smith: Let’s take back and remember what he really wanted…

Remember, he just has an idea that he wants to sell…

He wants to do it fast with as little time and money investment as possible…

Jim Edwards: Right. So, but that’s the people who are offering the course…

These are the people who want to do…

Who are actually getting this course.

But you know, that’s the thing…

The reason right now is you can test tons of ideas super fast on Youtube and see which ones will maximize your profit the fastest…

Once you learn these formulas.

Okay, that’s one, that’s a good reason to act now…

Stew Smith: Sure…

Jim Edwards: Another reason to act now is that this fear of missing out…


So this is the big benefit…

This is like an emotional thing…

I can test a bunch of stuff…

The fear of missing out is every day billions of clicks go through Youtube…

Many of those go to your competitors…

You need to get on Youtube.

And claim your fair claim, your share of that traffic.

You guys let me know if you like this or not…

You tell me…

Tell me in the comments whether you like this or not…

Stew Smith: Well, that’s a process…

You got to go through this and in Funnel Scripts and sometimes it takes the whole 10 minutes. But it’s better than taking two hours to try to figure this out more.

Jim Edwards: Or video sales letter…

The script for a video sales letter is going to take you a day…

You’re going to pay a copywriter, at least a grand to do a video sales letter script for you…

Any copywriter who’s any good is going to charge you a grand minimum, minimum, minimum, minimum, minimum…

Stew Smith: Yup…

Jim Edwards: Okay…

So the last reason, so tons of ideas…

You can test tons of ideas, fear of missing out…

It’s not hard once you know the formulas and blueprints,

You don’t need to be a Hollywood producer…

I’m going to change that…

You don’t need to be, Hollywood producer to get amazing results…


Once you know these formulas.


So I don’t know how long that took…

I don’t if anybody was keeping track, tell me down there, but I don’t think it was that long…

So that was it.

So we’re just going to save this…

And you save it in the VSL. I got my VSL wizard thing…

Call it Youtube course example…


Now we clicked build, and we’re going to do the great big promise…

There’s two different, it’ll do two different ones for you…

One is based on the payoff that they want the others based on the problem and it just different ways of doing this…

So we’re going to go for the great big promise one and…

Alright, so now this is gonna make all of our slides for us.

So I’m going to look down here, and I’m going to get these and I’m going to make this so we can read it…

I’m just gonna read through this and edit it on the fly…


So here we go.

Here’s the special match for every funnel hacker needs to get more traffic and maximize profit, but can’t figure out how to get eyeballs on your offers using Youtube, which by the way, as the second-largest search engine in the world, Hey, my name is Jim Edwards…

And if you want to succeed with Youtube traffic and marketing than pay very close attention, many funnel hackers suffer from the idea that driving traffic from Youtube is really hard and takes a long time, but nothing could be further from the truth…

And if you’re a Funnel hacker who wants more targeted eyeballs to their funnels, then this is exactly what you’re looking for…

I’d like to introduce you to the Tube Profit Machine, which helps you use Youtube to not only drive traffic to your funnels, but also maximize revenue through ad clicks.

Tube Profit Machine makes it simple for you to show exactly how to drive traffic from Youtube…

Makes it simple for you to drive traffic with Youtube, even if you’ve never made a video before, it helps you get more followers and subscribers even if you’re starting from zero, massively increase your sales by getting your message in front of the right people…

Maximize revenue by leveraging paid ads on your videos so you soak up every diamond profit and save time by making videos your audience really wants to watch and can even go viral to get you tons of free traffic and much, much more…

What makes us even better…

Now, you never have to worry about Mark Zuckerberg who wants you to believe that the only place to get traffic is from Facebook, which also means you’re not stuck feeling like if you try to only get traffic from Facebook, you’re missing out on millions of potential customers you could find on Youtube, and best of all, you’ll start seeing results with the Tube Profit Machine with their first video, and it costs just 97 bucks.

So again, if you’re a funnel hacker who wants more targeted eyeballs on their funnels, understand this…

You can test tons of ideas super fast on Youtube and see which ones will maximize your profits the fastest…

Once you learn these formulas.

Every day, billions of clicks go through Youtube, many of those go into your competitors…

You need to get on Youtube and claim your share of that traffic…

You don’t need to be a Hollywood producer to get amazing results once you know these formulas…

And Tube Profit Machine from Jim Edwards holds the key to your success with Youtube traffic and marketing.

Order today from the link below right now…

Okay, boom…

Stew Smith: Nice… It was two minutes… 15-second video…

Jim Edwards: Okay, so

Stew Smith: Perfect…

Jim Edwards: Is there other stuff now that I’m thinking about it that I would do on this page?


I would probably again, now we saw how fast we got that done.

Jim Edwards: Okay…

How fast we got the headline, the video, the VSL…

We got a call to action…

You got some bullets, you got your guarantee…

I would tell you, man, that’s actually a dang good video sales letter…

You guys be the judge…

You let me know in the Q&A.

Stew Smith: Oh, by the way, everybody that’s a fictitious product…

Jim does not sell the Tube Profit Machine…

Jim Edwards: Yeah…

But if enough people were like,

“Dang, I’ll take it!”

We’d go make it.

You say you’ll take it…

I’ll go make it.

I’m so pretty…

What I would probably do is come down here into the OFA scripts…

I would go to the offer stack script, and I would use this to create just a killer stack…

I mean, if you’re going to do this and you can create a stack here this will take you about an hour to fill out.

But I want you to imagine now, instead of under here where it says bullets, you got your offer stack and it’s a good one, which this script will help you do…

Basically, you have your headline, your VSL, your call to action, your offer stack, your guarantee…

You know, if you’ve got some testimonials here, I got more blocks, I ain’t run out of stuff…

All right, next thing that would go under the offer stack would be testimonials…

Again, this is all kind of optional…

You don’t have to do this, but just going through that video sales letter, I’m like,

“Dang, that sounds cool… Let’s, do something to really push people over the edge.”

 I would do some testimonials in there…

I mean, you could flip those if you wanted to…

You know, you’re telling the VSL…

You could say, you know what, right after that,

“Don’t take my word for it… See what these people are saying about it.”

So, but don’t just take my word for it…

See what these people have to say…

So here’s everything you’re going to get…

But don’t worry because all the risk is on my shoulders…

You do the guarantee…

And then finally you have your final calls…


I’m so, glad I rediscovered Duplo-blocks after 45 years…

I was a little kid…

But you got your call to action down there…

What do we do?

Headline Hook, VSL, that’s a dang good VSL actually called to action…testimonials, offer, stack guarantee called action…

Here’s the thing, if you don’t have any testimonials, then you take them out

“I don’t have any testimonials, Jim.”

Take ’em out!

Boom, they’re gone…

They don’t even exist…

Headline Hook, BSL, call to action, offer, stack guarantee, call to action…


And if you don’t want to do that and you’re like, I’m lazy…

Boom, there you go…

The point here is that the cool thing you could do if you wanted to, again, the question was, how can I do it really, really super fast?

Well, another way you can do it super, super fast would be to use the hook story offer script inside of Funnel Scripts.

That’s another way to do it…

This bad boy will, creates everything under the sun for you, including your entire sales letter…

It’ll do two different VSL scripts…

It’ll give you your offer stacks, all that stuff like that…

It’s all up to you…

There’s so many different ways to do this…

It’s like Stew said at the beginning, what’d you say, Stew?

This is, this is a way, this is not the way, is that what you said?

Stew Smith: That’s right… Many ways to do it.

Jim Edwards: Right… So my point though is that as you see, you can do some cool stuff, but we haven’t talked about the VSL wizard in a while because we’ve been so busy introducing all these cool scripts…

But that VSL right there, I mean, that’s money…

If you wanted to add some other stuff, fine, edit it…

It’s your first draft…

It’s done.

You didn’t have to wait for a professional copywriter to get back with you for two, three, four days or two, three, four weeks…

You didn’t have to shell out 1000 bucks to have them write that first draft for you…

And you can bust a move and get it done…

And I personally and I’ve, I’ve used this VSL wizard so many times over the years…

It’s just…

Every time it spits it out I just go,

“Dang, that is a heck of a first draft.”

So what I would tell you guys, anything that I left out Stew that we should add?

Stew Smith: No, that just that video sales letter creation and you editing it on the fly…

 You made a two-minute 15-second video sales letter, which is perfect timing…

Jim Edwards: Yup…

Stew Smith: You Know…

And it took you about 12 minutes to make,

Jim Edwards: Right?

Stew Smith: And that’s, you can’t beat that.

So you’re saving time, you’re saving money, and you’re following all the rules of all the Funnel Scripts and Russell Brunson’s program…

Jim Edwards: Right…

So the big thing I would tell you guys is if you have Funnel Scripts, don’t forget about the VSL wizard…

Don’t make this stuff more complicated than it needs to be…

It’s right there inside of Funnel Scripts…

Use it…

And if you are not a Funnel Scripts user, you should be, and you can go over to right now…

You can watch a really cool demo by Russell and me…

We’re explaining all about Funnel Scripts, give you three really cool secrets about copy that you may not know, and then you’re able to sign up…

If you’ve been on the fence about Funnel Scripts and you’re ready to jump on it, now that you saw my amazing high tech demonstration, then you can go to

The biggest thing I want to tell you is that this stuff works…

You just need to go work it.

So Stew, thanks for helping me get this done today…

I’m Jim Edwards, co-creator of Funnel Scripts…

You guys have a great day, and we’ll talk to you soon…

Bye Bye, everybody.

endorsed podcast for Funnel Scripts brought to you by permission from the big man himself, Russell Brunson…

And remember on FunnelScripts live, we always do exactly what Russell says…

I’m Jim Edwards, co-creator of Funnel Scripts…

And along with me, I have my…

Stew Smith: Stew Smith producer.

Jim Edwards: podcast producer, Stew Smith…

I should have introduced you better, sorry!

Stew Smith: That is alright, you are the man!

Jim Edwards: Stew is the one that helps me to get these podcasts done…

So Stew, what is the question of the week?

Stew Smith: So, Jim, we have a guy wanting to sell a course on Youtube…

And so basically it comes down to this, you have a new idea you want to sell…

What is the fastest way to get this idea up and running to test with as little time and money investment as possible?

Jim Edwards: Okay, so we get that question a lot…

It’s like, “Hey, I want to test an idea, or hey, I’ve got this, I want to sell this, and what’s the fastest way that I can get something up?”

“Which scripted I use to create a sales letter?”

“Which script should I use to create something?”

And one of the things I would tell you is you want to go review Russell’s funnel hacking cookbook because there are a bunch of different ways to do this…

So what I’m going to show you what we’re going to talk about is one way to do this, and based on what you said, the latest person to ask this question, this guy’s got a course about Youtube that he’s selling or he wants to do this on Youtube…

Stew Smith: Yeah… He’s selling a course on Youtube…

Jim Edwards: Okay, about Youtube…

And I would assume it’s some kind of a course looking at the application that he put in was basically, it’s a course on how to drive traffic with Youtube…

Stew Smith: Yes, and actually make money by having more people watch your Youtube videos and watch the ads and monetized ads and things like that…

Jim Edwards: Okay…

So, okay, cool…

That’s cool…

That’s good to know…

So, what I will tell you guys is that again, there’s a hundred ways to skin a cat…

Sorry, cat people…

But I would never say a hundred ways to skin a dog…

This is one way to do it…

That’s why I said you want to look at Russell’s Funnel Hacking Cookbook.

Stew Smith: Always say Jim, it’s a way to do it, not the way to do it…

Jim Edwards: Okay, that’s yes.

So the very first thing that you’re going to need is a headline or a hook, and we’ve got tons and tons of scripts inside of Funnel Scripts for creating headlines and hooks…

And I don’t feel like demoing one of those today…

So I’m just telling you that we have at least six different scripts in there to do headlines and hooks…

That’s the number one thing you need…


The next thing I do…

…and this is what I do when I’m testing…

Next thing you need is a Video Sales Letter because of video sales letters is the fastest way to come up with something you can throw on a page that you can test that as long as you’re following the patterns…

And we’re actually going to create a Video Sales Letter for this guy in this podcast episode…

So next thing you need to have a video sales letter…

Right underneath the headline is the video sales letter.

You can use Wistia, which is a service that will autoplay the thing for you and autoplay in all the browsers that won’t let you autoplay in any other way…

Wistia, you can autoplay…

So next thing you need underneath that called action, we have a script…

We have the call to action script inside of Funnel Scripts…

This right here is enough to test an offer…

If you’re under a hundred bucks, you can test your offer just with this.

This is all you would need…


Now I’m going to talk about how you’re going to drive traffic…

But if you want to drive traffic with Facebook, you can use the Facebook, the FB ads script inside of Funnel Scripts…

If you want to use pay per click, you can use the pay per click…

You can do other ads, you know, creating ads…

We got ads inside of Funnel Scripts to help you do that.

Now if you want to also, and I will do this too, but you don’t have to test, I will add some bullets…

We have bullet scripts inside of Funnel Scripts…

We have the Brunson bullets, and we have the FBM bullets…

I would personally probably use the Brunson bullets if it’s something that you feel real confident that you just need to have a few bullets down there…

Otherwise, I would use the FBM one, and I would spend some time on it and really have a half a dozen really cool bullets…

Again, assuming you don’t have a big offer stack, it’s like just one thing…

And then the last thing I would put on there would be the guarantee…

You know, what’s the guarantee?

So, Headline, Hook, VSL, Call To Action, Bullets, Guarantee, and then another Call To Action down below…

Is there other stuff you can add?


Is this the fastest way to put something up to test?


It really just this part is the fastest way to put something up to test…

The key in this whole thing…

The most important part is the headline hook…

The thing to stop them in their tracks…

But the thing I want to show you now is the VSL because you’ve reviewed it…

Once you stop, your VSLs got a rock, and everybody thinks,

“Oh man, it’s gonna take forever to write a VSL…”

I’m gonna write a VSL that’s good for a product I know nothing about in the next 10 minutes…

So that will show you the power of Funnel Scripts…

Stew Smith: I love it!

Jim Edwards: What I’m going to show you now, you see this writes to the VSL wizard…

So we’re going to fill this out live and let me know what you guys think down in the comments below…

And we’ll take a look at those if we have time…

But let me know what do you think this is cool or not…

So I’m going to do it as if it’s mine…

I don’t know the student’s name…

We’ll just say, you know, that I’m offering this…

So the topic of my product book, etc.…

Is Youtube Traffic and Marketing, right?

Stew Smith: Yup…

Jim Edwards: Okay… Or does it make money with Youtube?

Stew Smith: I think both are similar, right?

Because you get more traffic, you’re going to make more money with Youtube…

Jim Edwards: Okay… So we’ll just do Youtube, traffic, and marketing…

What’s the name of, well, let’s make up a name…

It’s YouTube Profit Machine…

Stew Smith: Oh, I love it…

Jim Edwards: I don’t know if Youtube will let us use Youtube in the name…

Probably not a good idea to use their name in there…

I’m not an attorney, nor do I play one on TV…

You should not take anything I say seriously…

And you should consult the appropriate professionals such as your veterinarian as for any appropriate legal advice…

So I would not do anything that had Youtube in it…

So we’ll call it “Tube Profit Machine.”

Stew Smith: Yeah.

Jim Edwards: All right!

How much does our product service software costs in term of money?

What would we charge for this thing?

$97 bucks…

Stew Smith: Let’s do it…

Jim Edwards: Okay, so just $97…

And how much time does it take to start getting results with your product, service book, etc.?

So with the first video, with your first video, you can start seeing results…

All right…

So who is our target audience is an entrepreneur…

Is it a video marketer?

Is it a, well, and here’s the thing…

We could totally just nail this for funnel hackers…

We could nail this just for authors…

We can nail this for content marketers…

We can nail this for work at home moms…

What would be…

Who we want to go?

Let’s say, funnel hacker…

Stew Smith: Take your pick…

Jim Edwards: Okay…

We’ll say funnel hacker and the next one.


So our ideal customer, how would you describe your typical ideal customer and what they want?

So who they are…

Plus what they want…

So it’s a funnel hacker who wants more targeted traffic to their funnels…


And that’s ultimately what people want…

More targeted traffic, more targeted…

How about more targeted eyeballs?

I like that better…

All right, so next one is pressing need…

What is your ideal customer’s main pressing need?

My customer really needs to blink, but can’t…

So my customer really needs to get more traffic and maximize profit, but can’t

Stew Smith: get eyeballs…

Jim Edwards: Figure out how to use…


Stew Smith: eyeballs to his page…

Jim Edwards: How to get eyeballs on your offers using Youtube.

How about that…

Stew Smith: There you go…

Jim Edwards: Which by the way is the second largest search engine in the world…

And believe that’s true…

I would go verify that, but since I’m not actually selling this, I can say whatever I want…

The main solution your product gives your audience on the silver platter?

My product shows you how to use Youtube to not only drive traffic to your funnels, but also maximize revenue through ad clicks…

Is that cool?

Stew Smith: Yup…

Jim Edwards: Okay…

What negative person, thing, or circumstance do they believe is working against them?

The biggest hurdle you have to overcome is the belief that the only place to get traffic is Facebook…

Cause that’s what a lot of people think now…

You know, when they think I got to drive traffic there, the only thing they think of is Mark Zuckerberg who wants you to believe?

There you go.

The only place to get traffic is from Facebook…

I should’ve had you time this…

Why is this hurdle such a huge deal for your target audience?

So this hurdle…

The obstacle is Mark Zuckerberg wants you to believe that the only place to get traffic is from Facebook…

This is a big deal for you because sometimes Facebook is not a good source of traffic and their ad costs keep going up…

Stew Smith: Good point…

Jim Edwards: All right?

And the circle really hurts you because it means if you try to only get traffic from Facebook, you’re missing out on…

How am I doing guys?

Does anybody keep track of how long this has taken is not taken that long?

You’re missing out on millions of potential customers you could find on Youtube.

Alright, so wrong idea…

So what’s an idea of your target audience believes it’s true, but it’s actually completely wrong…

So even though it’s not true, many people believe selling your home without an agent, it’s really hard getting new driving traffic from Youtube is really hard and takes a long time…


So now we’re going to do five cool results that someone’s going to get from this course…

So they should all start with a verb…

So the number one, what’s the number one thing that this course is going to do for people, Stew?

It’s going to show you exactly how to drive traffic with Youtube,

Stew Smith: Right.

Jim Edwards: Okay.

Stew Smith: Get more followers…

Jim Edwards: Even if you’ve never made a video before, okay?

It’s gonna help you get more followers and subscribers even if you’re starting from zero…


So we’re going to get traffic, we’re going to get followers…

I think we should talk about sales cause that’s the three big things everybody wants in anything is traffic, subscribers, and sales…

So massively increase your sales by getting your message in front of the right people…


What else?

This is where it starts to get a little hard because we’re trying to think…

Oh, maximize revenue by…

What I want to say is maximize revenue by leveraging paid ads on your videos…

Stew Smith: That’s perfect.

Jim Edwards: All right…

So you soak up every dime in profit and what’s one more big result?

So we did maximize revenue by leveraging paid ads, increased sales by getting your message in front of the right people, help you get more followers and subscribers even if you’re starting from zero…



I’ve drive traffic…

Oh, how about there’s something about, I mean, the course would obviously show you what kinds of videos to make.

Stew Smith: save time, make videos

Jim Edwards: Save time by making videos…

Your audience really wants to watch and can even go viral…

To get you tons of free traffic…

That cool?

Stew Smith: Sure…

Jim Edwards: Okay…

Stew Smith: I like it…

Jim Edwards: Okay… Are you buying my course?

You guys let me know…

Let us know in the Q&A down below if this is getting you excited or not…

Cause we’re almost done…

I don’t think we’ve been doing this for more than about 10 or 12 minutes…


So now we’re going to do three reasons to act…


Three biggest reasons why they should act now, and we’re not going to use some artificial deadline or something…

This should be something that is emotional and evergreen that they’re going to do…

Stew Smith: Let’s take back and remember what he really wanted…

Remember, he just has an idea that he wants to sell…

He wants to do it fast with as little time and money investment as possible…

Jim Edwards: Right. So, but that’s the people who are offering the course…

These are the people who want to do…

Who are actually getting this course.

But you know, that’s the thing…

The reason right now is you can test tons of ideas super fast on Youtube and see which ones will maximize your profit the fastest…

Once you learn these formulas.

Okay, that’s one, that’s a good reason to act now…

Stew Smith: Sure…

Jim Edwards: Another reason to act now is that this fear of missing out…


So this is the big benefit…

This is like an emotional thing…

I can test a bunch of stuff…

The fear of missing out is every day billions of clicks go through Youtube…

Many of those go to your competitors…

You need to get on Youtube.

And claim your fair claim, your share of that traffic.

You guys let me know if you like this or not…

You tell me…

Tell me in the comments whether you like this or not…

Stew Smith: Well, that’s a process…

You got to go through this and in Funnel Scripts and sometimes it takes the whole 10 minutes. But it’s better than taking two hours to try to figure this out more.

Jim Edwards: Or video sales letter…

The script for a video sales letter is going to take you a day…

You’re going to pay a copywriter, at least a grand to do a video sales letter script for you…

Any copywriter who’s any good is going to charge you a grand minimum, minimum, minimum, minimum, minimum…

Stew Smith: Yup…

Jim Edwards: Okay…

So the last reason, so tons of ideas…

You can test tons of ideas, fear of missing out…

It’s not hard once you know the formulas and blueprints,

You don’t need to be a Hollywood producer…

I’m going to change that…

You don’t need to be, Hollywood producer to get amazing results…


Once you know these formulas.


So I don’t know how long that took…

I don’t if anybody was keeping track, tell me down there, but I don’t think it was that long…

So that was it.

So we’re just going to save this…

And you save it in the VSL. I got my VSL wizard thing…

Called those Youtube course example…


Now we clicked build, and we’re going to do the great big promise…

There’s two different, it’ll do two different ones for you…

One is based on the payoff that they want the others based on the problem and it just different ways of doing this…

So we’re going to go for the great big promise one and…

Alright, so now this is gonna make all of our slides for us.

So I’m going to look down here, and I’m going to get these and I’m going to make this so we can read it…

I’m just gonna read through this and edit it on the fly…


So here we go.

Here’s the special match for every funnel hacker needs to get more traffic and maximize profit, but can’t figure out how to get eyeballs on your offers using Youtube, which by the way, as the second-largest search engine in the world, Hey, my name is Jim Edwards…

And if you want to succeed with Youtube traffic and marketing than pay very close attention, many funnel hackers suffer from the idea that driving traffic from Youtube is really hard and takes a long time, but nothing could be further from the truth…

And if you’re a Funnel hacker who wants more targeted eyeballs to their funnels, then this is exactly what you’re looking for…

I’d like to introduce you to the Tube Profit Machine, which helps you use Youtube to not only drive traffic to your funnels, but also maximize revenue through ad clicks.

Tube Profit Machine makes it simple for you to show exactly how to drive traffic from Youtube…

Makes it simple for you to drive traffic with Youtube, even if you’ve never made a video before, it helps you get more followers and subscribers even if you’re starting from zero, massively increase your sales by getting your message in front of the right people…

Maximize revenue by leveraging paid ads on your videos so you soak up every diamond profit and save time by making videos your audience really wants to watch and can even go viral to get you tons of free traffic and much, much more…

What makes us even better…

Now, you never have to worry about Mark Zuckerberg who wants you to believe that the only place to get traffic is from Facebook, which also means you’re not stuck feeling like if you try to only get traffic from Facebook, you’re missing out on millions of potential customers you could find on Youtube, and best of all, you’ll start seeing results with the Tube Profit Machine with their first video, and it costs just 97 bucks.

So again, if you’re a funnel hacker who wants more targeted eyeballs on their funnels, understand this…

You can test tons of ideas super fast on Youtube and see which ones will maximize your profits the fastest…

Once you learn these formulas.

Every day, billions of clicks go through Youtube, many of those go into your competitors…

You need to get on Youtube and claim your share of that traffic…

You don’t need to be a Hollywood producer to get amazing results once you know these formulas…

And Tube Profit Machine from Jim Edwards holds the key to your success with Youtube traffic and marketing.

Order today from the link below right now…

Okay, boom…

Stew Smith: Nice… It was two minutes… 15-second video…

Jim Edwards: Okay, so

Stew Smith: Perfect…

Jim Edwards: Is there other stuff now that I’m thinking about it that I would do on this page?


I would probably again, now we saw how fast we got that done.

Jim Edwards: Okay…

How fast we got the headline, the video, the VSL…

We got a call to action…

You got some bullets, you got your guarantee…

I would tell you, man, that’s actually a dang good video sales letter…

You guys be the judge…

You let me know in the Q&A.

Stew Smith: Oh, by the way, everybody that’s a fictitious product…

Jim does not sell the Tube Profit Machine…

Jim Edwards: Yeah…

But if enough people were like,

“Dang, I’ll take it!”

We’d go make it.

You say you’ll take it…

I’ll go make it.

I’m so pretty…

What I would probably do is come down here into the OFA scripts…

I would go to the offer stack script, and I would use this to create just a killer stack…

I mean, if you’re going to do this and you can create a stack here this will take you about an hour to fill out.

But I want you to imagine now, instead of under here where it says bullets, you got your offer stack and it’s a good one, which this script will help you do…

Basically, you have your headline, your VSL, your call to action, your offer stack, your guarantee…

You know, if you’ve got some testimonials here, I got more blocks, I ain’t run out of stuff…

All right, next thing that would go under the offer stack would be testimonials…

Again, this is all kind of optional…

You don’t have to do this, but just going through that video sales letter, I’m like,

“Dang, that sounds cool… Let’s, do something to really push people over the edge.”

I would do some testimonials in there…

I mean, you could flip those if you wanted to…

You know, you’re telling the VSL…

You could say, you know what, right after that,

“Don’t take my word for it… See what these people are saying about it.”

So, but don’t just take my word for it…

See what these people have to say…

So here’s everything you’re going to get…

But don’t worry because all the risk is on my shoulders…

You do the guarantee…

And then finally you have your final calls…


I’m so, glad I rediscovered Duplo-blocks after 45 years…

I was a little kid…

But you got your call to action down there…

What do we do?

Headline Hook, VSL, that’s a dang good VSL actually called to action…testimonials, offer, stack guarantee called action…

Here’s the thing, if you don’t have any testimonials, then you take them out

“I don’t have any testimonials, Jim.”

Take ’em out!

Boom, they’re gone…

They don’t even exist…

Headline Hook, BSL, call to action, offer, stack guarantee, call to action…


And if you don’t want to do that and you’re like, I’m lazy…

Boom, there you go…

The point here is that the cool thing you could do if you wanted to, again, the question was, how can I do it really, really super fast?

Well, another way you can do it super, super fast would be to use the hook story offer script inside of Funnel Scripts.

That’s another way to do it…

This bad boy will, creates everything under the sun for you, including your entire sales letter…

It’ll do two different VSL scripts…

It’ll give you your offer stacks, all that stuff like that…

It’s all up to you…

There’s so many different ways to do this…

It’s like Stew said at the beginning, what’d you say, Stew?

This is, this is a way, this is not the way, is that what you said?

Stew Smith: That’s right… Many ways to do it.

Jim Edwards: Right… So my point though is that as you see, you can do some cool stuff, but we haven’t talked about the VSL wizard in a while because we’ve been so busy introducing all these cool scripts…

But that VSL right there, I mean, that’s money…

If you wanted to add some other stuff, fine, edit it…

It’s your first draft…

It’s done.

You didn’t have to wait for a professional copywriter to get back with you for two, three, four days or two, three, four weeks…

You didn’t have to shell out 1000 bucks to have them write that first draft for you…

And you can bust a move and get it done…

And I personally and I’ve, I’ve used this VSL wizard so many times over the years…

It’s just…

Every time it spits it out I just go,

“Dang, that is a heck of a first draft.”

So what I would tell you guys, anything that I left out Stew that we should add?

Stew Smith: No, that just that video sales letter creation and you editing it on the fly…

 You made a two-minute 15-second video sales letter, which is perfect timing…

Jim Edwards: Yup…

Stew Smith: You Know…

And it took you about 12 minutes to make,

Jim Edwards: Right?

Stew Smith: And that’s, you can’t beat that.

So you’re saving time, you’re saving money, and you’re following all the rules of all the Funnel Scripts and Russell Brunson’s program…

Jim Edwards: Right…

So the big thing I would tell you guys is if you have Funnel Scripts, don’t forget about the VSL wizard…

Don’t make this stuff more complicated than it needs to be…

It’s right there inside of Funnel Scripts…

Use it…

And if you are not a Funnel Scripts user, you should be, and you can go over to right now…

You can watch a really cool demo by Russell and me…

We’re explaining all about Funnel Scripts, give you three really cool secrets about copy that you may not know, and then you’re able to sign up…

If you’ve been on the fence about Funnel Scripts and you’re ready to jump on it, now that you saw my amazing high tech demonstration, then you can go to

The biggest thing I want to tell you is that this stuff works…

You just need to go work it.

So Stew, thanks for helping me get this done today…

I’m Jim Edwards, co-creator of Funnel Scripts…

You guys have a great day, and we’ll talk to you soon…

Bye Bye, everybody.

