The Building Blocks – Headline Scripts and Beyond – [podcast #8]

“Welcome to Funnel Scripts Live… an Official Click Funnels Production” For more information – See

Jim Edwards Uses several Funnel Scripts wizards and scripts to take a user from Headline Creation, VSL Creation, Call to Action, Bullets, testimonials, and Offer Stack in this creative method that is a one stop shop for all you need to make awesome sales copy.
Send in your questions and we will answer them and may even make a video showing you how to use the Scripts!
Check out Funnel Scripts! Funnel Scripts helps you massively increase your profits by making it super easy to come up with just the right words for your Bridge Pages and Hooks. Based on Russell’s DOTCOM Secrets formulas, we show you how to choose the right funnel script for the job!
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All the scripts we demo are available right now for Funnel Scripts members to use! And, if you’re not already a member of Funnel Scripts, you should be! Head on over to to get started today! If you’ve already seen the training and just want to sign up, go to


Jim Edwards: Hey guys, Jim Edwards here along with…

Stew Smith: Stew Smith

Jim Edwards: and welcome to another episode of Funnel Scripts Live the official ClickFunnels podcast for Funnel Scripts.

And so we’re coming to you live to teach you what Russell would do when it comes to answering your questions and using Funnel Scripts…

So Stew, what is today’s question?

Stew Smith: Yes, we have a question… It’s a good question…

In fact, it’s about building your own podcast funnel using a warm audience…

So he goes,

“Jim, I have a course called Podcast Mastery, where I teach coaches, consultants, digital marketers, how to set up their podcast and book their dream guests.

So here’s the big question, I’m driving traffic from Youtube to my funnel…

What’s the best format I should use?”

Jim Edwards: Okay, on your funnel,

Stew Smith: Yes.

Jim Edwards: on the funnel… Okay… So here’s the thing guys to understand is that it doesn’t really matter what you’re selling.

What matters is that you are literally…

And we’ve talked about bridge pages in the past…

But think about your videos on youtube as if they are bridge pages to your own product.

So what should your funnel look like when you are driving people there?

And I’m going to show you using the power of building blocks.


First thing that your page should have is a headline.

That is the first thing that should be on your funnel page when they show up.

So if we’re going to have a headline…

Let’s talk about Funnel Scripts and how Funnel Scripts makes it easy for you because there are people out there that will charge you as much as $150 a headline to come up with a bunch of headlines for you and they’ll take forever to do it…

So I want to show you how you can get a whole bunch of headlines made super, super fast so that you can get the first part of this done.

So let me show you, and we actually have a number of different headline scripts inside of Funnel Scripts.

If you scroll down here on the left, you will see titles, headlines, subject lines, we have a number of them.

So we’re actually today looking at the Timeless Classic Headline Script.

I went ahead and filled this out ahead of time for our friend…

Basically with any all of Funnel Scripts…

It’s as simple as you fill out a form, you whack the button, and you get an amazing result…

Instead of waiting for an expensive copywriter to get back with you…

So it’s going to ask you some simple questions…

“Who’s your target audience?”

“What’s your main topic?”

“What is your target audience’s number one desire?”

“And who is their enemy?”

You whack the button, and this particular one gives you a hundred classic headline scripts.

So let’s look at a few of these and see if we see one.

And again, we’re thinking about traffic.

This is warm traffic…

So they, they know who this person is, they’ve watched the video, he’s told them to go ahead and click the link down below…

And so they, they’ve seen him, they should see him again…

…And we’ll talk about that in a second…

And so here’s one,

“How I made a fortune with a simple podcast interview idea.”

That’s a cool title…

“Do you do any of these embarrassing things with podcast interviews?”

Let’s see…

Wonderful way to build a profitable podcast, but only podcasters with imaginations can do it.”

I like that…


“A startling fact about simple podcast interviews.”

I like that, that’s a grabber to

“How to build a profitable podcast”

Let’s see…

So I mean, we’ve already seen three or four really good ones…

Stew Smith: All you need is one!

Jim Edwards: That’s right, and we’ve got plenty of them to test…

Okay, so we used Funnel Scripts.

We’ve got several different headlines.

So now we’re talking about the structure of the page.

First thing you’re going to do is have your headline.

What’s the next thing that you should have?

The next thing that goes right underneath your headline, 


Is your Video Sales Letter.

Now, what do you use to make the Video Sales Letter?

Well, my friends, you have a number of different choices inside of Funnel Scripts… 

But I would tell you that the number one thing that you would probably want to use would be the VSL wizard…

And the reason you would want to use the VSL wizard is because it makes it super easy for you to come up with a Video Sales Letter that’s three to five minutes long.

Stew Smith: Perfect!

Jim Edwards: That’s the way I would do it. Okay?

So after you have done that, the next thing you need, after you do your headline, your VSL…

You need a “Buy” button…

Underneath that puppy, you’re going to have a buy button…

And inside of a Funnel Scripts, we have the Call to Action Scripts…

And they’re right here.

I don’t want to lose this project, so I’ll open a new window…

But these are the Call to Action Scripts…

I’ll show you an example…

Boom… These will give you what you need for the call to action so that you have your benefits and stuff built-in…

So you know for this one is for a book thing…

So yes, I’m ready to write my own book…

So this will help you come up with the right copy for your buy button lickety lickety-split… 

Now, so we have the headline, we have the VSL, we have the buy button.

Guess what? You could stop here…

I have had very profitable pages where it was basically headline, VSL, buy button…

However, if you think you need more…

Then, here’s what you can do…

The next thing you can do is stack some bullets on there…

“Your product bullets…”

…I guess I was rubbing my hand across the dry erase marker on there, sorry about that…

Inside of Funnel Scripts, we actually have two different Bullet Scripts you can use…

You can use the Brunson Bullets Scripts, and you can use the FBM Bullets Scripts.

The Brunson Bullets Scripts are a little bit simpler…

Use them for spoiler bullets… You can also use them as product ones…

And basically, this will just ask you a bunch of different questions that’ll help you come up with about a dozen different bullets…

And we also have the FBM, which are based on feature-benefit-meaning… 

…more of a traditional copywriting approach…

These will help you to write fewer bullets at a time… 

But these are much more impactful, and it’ll help you write four or five bullets at a time…

But definitely, you can use those…

So after you have assembled your headline, your VSL, your buy button, and your bullets…

There’s a couple of other things you can do…

If you have testimonials or if you need some testimonials, guess what, you can put the testimonials next.

Now how can Funnel Scripts help you with testimonials?

Well, here’s the thing…

You actually have a couple of different things that can help you with testimonials.

We have the Million-Dollar Testimonials Script, we also have the Case Study Script.

But a case study is a story about how somebody got results…

The testimonial is really the telling the results that they got.

So the Million Dollar Testimonial Script will help you to ask the right questions to get good testimonials from people.

It makes it super simple, super easy to do that.

And then something we’ve just recently added under the email scripts is the testimonial request email script, which you can actually use it…

…I did a big training on it… 

Which are this will help you to collect testimonials on autopilot because it writes the emails that you can add to your followup funnel… 

To be able to automatically have a steady stream of testimonials coming in…

So this actually writes the emails for you to be able to do that.

So that’s how Funnel Scripts can help you do that.

Next, if you want, again, at this point you could say, I gave my testimonials, I have a call to action, and that’s pretty much, that’s your page…

So that’s kind of a longer version of that…

You have your call to action, but one of the things that you can do is… 

You can also have at this point, an offer stack… 

If you want to have an offer stack in there and then a call to action.

So you see headline, VSL, buy button bullets, testimonials, offer stack, call to action…

Now you don’t necessarily have to have the bullets if you have the offer stack… 

See how we can take stuff out, and we can build this just with the building blocks using Funnel Scripts…

But let me show you this one that you can use real quick so you can see the script.

Down here in the OFA scripts we have the Offer Stack Script, and this will help you to create an amazing offer stack… 

That will just make you look like you’re selling dollars for dimes… 

And actually does it two different ways…

The conversational stack or the succinct stack, which is bullets for each one…

So again, you don’t have to have product bullets, if you do this… 

You can, and you don’t have to have this if you have the bullets…

It’s all comes down to your offer, the price of your offer, the size of your offer, how one the traffic is what people know.

But now if you think about it again, just as a recap… 

Headline, VSL, buy button will work really great…

Stew Smith: One, two, three…

Jim Edwards: Exactly… You can add your testimonials if you ain’t got any…

“I have any testimonials yet, Jim!”

Don’t worry…

Take them out…

Don’t gotta have it…

Don’t whine.

Get it done.

Got your buy button…

You’ve got offer stack, and you’ve got your call to action…


Would that work?

Heck yeah…

That would work…

Here’s the thing guys that you need to understand. 

No matter what you’re selling, FunnelScripts makes it easy to get the sales copy done super, super fast… 

So you can test… 

So you can measure…

And so you can build your business…

Oh, wait a minute…

And if the guy who’s if the guy who is making these, he didn’t ask, but I’ll tell you… 

What if he needs ideas for his videos on Youtube to drive traffic to this amazing funnel that he created with these building blocks from Funnel Scripts?

I’ll show you one last one because this is even cooler… 

We’re looking for the Content Creation Scripts.

We go to the Seinfeld email topic ideas script.

Watch this… I’m gonna do this super fast…

Our target audience is podcasters or a podcaster, and it’s money-making podcasts.

I don’t even have to know how to spell it.

We click build and look at this… 

“11 great money-making podcasts tips for podcasters.”

“What are three insider money-making podcast tips every podcast or needs to know?”

“What are three questions every podcaster should ask about a money-making podcast?”

“What are three mistakes…”

Look at all these amazing…

There’s dozens and dozens and dozens of ideas here for videos that he can make to drive the traffic to the funnel that he makes with Funnel Scripts and ClickFunnels…

I think that this is amazing and I really don’t have anything else to say.

Do you have anything?

Stew Smith: Absolutely! You just gave them the quick one, two, three option, which I love…

The headline, VSL, Buy now button…

Jim Edwards: Sure…

Stew Smith: Easy Day… That’s the easy day option, right?

Jim Edwards: And by the way, a copywriter would charge you…

Stew Smith: Yes…

Jim Edwards: How much do you think a copywriter would charge to do this dude?

At least 1500 2000 bucks?


Stew Smith: The one, two, three, or the whole stack?

Jim Edwards: I either one, depending on how cheap or expensive they are, but you’re looking at at least a grand to have this done, right?

Sorry, I interrupted you…

Stew Smith: How about time? Time saved?

Oh, well, here’s the deal…

You got time saved trying to find a copywriter, 

Jim Edwards: Right.

Stew Smith: And money spent getting that copywriter,

Jim Edwards: Right.

Stew Smith: And then versus time saved doing it on your own versus 

Jim Edwards: Right, you could do all of this, the podcast dude using Funnel Scripts.

You could put all this stuff together, and I would say less than four hours… 

Way less than four hours, you can have everything done… 

Way less, way less than four hours…

And the cool thing is when you think about it, like building blocks…

It takes all the pain out of it…

It takes all the worry…

It takes all the stress out…

It’s like, 

“Yeah, I’m just going to make a headline.

Then I’ll use Funnel Scripts to do a VSL…

Then I’ll use Funnel Scripts to do a buy button…

Then I’ll use it to make my offer stack…

Then I already did this buy button thing, so boom, I’m done.”

All I gotta do is just put it over, and ClickFunnels and my stuff is done.

Stew Smith: Love it

Jim Edwards: Any final thoughts? Anything?

Stew Smith: I think I like both options…

I like the one-two-three option… 

And we’ll call it the “kitchen sink” option where you just throw everything at them, but the kitchen sink and it will stick.

Jim Edwards: Exactly, exactly…

Stew Smith: Really smart idea…

Jim Edwards: So guys, if you are already a member of Funnel Scripts, you have all of this at your disposal…

If you are not a member of Funnel Scripts yet, what are you waiting for?

All you’re doing is costing yourself more money, taking longer to get it done, increasing your frustration and just creating more effort than you need to create…

Go ahead, get Funnel Scripts now…

Head over to, watch an amazing training with Russell and myself…

And if you have been on the fence about Funnel Scripts and you’re ready to just do it!

Head to and sign up today…

I’m Jim Edwards…

Thank you, Stew! 

And we’ll see you guys next time on Funnel Scripts Live…

Bye Bye, everybody.

