Is There Anybody Out There?
Do you ever feel like you’re operating in a vacuum with social media and social media posting? Do you feel like no one is paying attention? You’re not alone! It happens to me and it happens to everyone else too! But before we jump into this, you need to understand one thing: everybody experiences that,…
And We’ll Have Fun, Fun, Fun…
I think I’ve acknowledged this before — and besides, it’s no secret — right now we face some interesting and trying times. Unless you live under a rock, I don’t really need to get into what we’re facing right now. BUT (always a but), I do want to mention something to you that I think…
What’s Your Relationship With Monday?
I’ve always been a big fan of Monday. Here’s why. On Monday, no matter how bad last week was, whatever you did or didn’t get done, Monday is always a chance to start over. Every Monday I make a list of all the stuff I want to get done this week, and then just dive…
Nobody Cares About YOU In Your Sales Copy
There’s something you should know. Nobody cares about you. And what I mean by that is nobody cares about you in your sales copy. Think about when you’re buying something, do you really care about the person you’re buying from? Honestly? 99% of the time the answer is, no. You don’t care about the person…
Fake It ‘Til You Make It… Worst Advice Ever!
I’m sure you’ve heard this advice before “fake it ’til you make it.” That’s the typical advice people give you when you’re first starting out in something, especially if you want to find success. They tell you to fake it ’til you make it. Here’s why that rates as the worst advice you could ever…