What Script Should I Choose? 🤔 – Funnel Scripts Tip Show Episode #11

This Funnel Scripts user wants to know which script he should use for an optin funnel… and we blow his mind… Funnel Scripts really is like a “Wizard’s Magic Wand” for funnel sales copy 😀 😘If you’re a Funnel Scripts subscriber you can use this script right now https://members.funnelscripts.com/who-…/ 😇If you’re not, it’s time to join https://funnelscripts.com #dotcomsecrets #funnelscripts #salescopy #funnelcopy…

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Meme Of The Day

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3 Part Tip to Help You Get Better at Copywriting

Here’s another exciting 3-part tip to help you get better at copywriting. Here’s critical insight for every online business pro who wants to write better ads and sell more, without having to spend a fortune on ads to figure it out. 🤔Tip #1: The Reason We Have Trouble Writing Our Own Ads The answer can…

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Does Sales Copy Work for “Non-Profits”? Funnel Scripts Tip Show – Episode #10

In this new Funnel Scripts Tips Video we break down how non-profits can use sales copy to appeal to the REAL reasons people give money, time and resources.

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Real Word Copywriting Tips for Online Business Pros

Are you a online business pro who really wants to write better ads?

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Kiss Isn’t Just a Heavy Metal Band

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Funnel Scripts Tips Show – Episode #9

Secrets to write great copy to sell physical items

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What is a subject line slug?

In this video we explain what subject line slugs are and why you use them… plus a cool demo of the Subject Line Scripts inside of https://FunnelScripts.com – Share the love below and let me know what you think!  

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😎😎The Truth About Follow Up Funnels👍👍

If you’re one of those funnel hackers who is serious about wanting to make more money off the back end of your funnel, then pay careful attention to this follow-up funnel mistake. 🤔🤔 The #1 Follow Up Funnel Mistake : Not Developing A Relationship With People Who Buy From You 😍😍 The big idea with this mistake…

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Funnel Scripts Tips #8 – Paid Book Funnels

😍💥✊Funnel Scripts Tips #8 – Paid Book Funnels Here’s the secret formula to lay out your book funnel so you can sell a lot more books or anything else (without having to become a techno-nerd in the process)! Watch this book funnels video right now! Before I forget, be one of the first to get…

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