Pull The Heart Strings + Anatomy Of Every Page
Week 3 Mission 1
Today's lesson is NOT long, but it IS important because if you skip any of these parts you'll crash and burn... so get over there and get it done (it'll take you less than 11 minutes to watch the videos... so get to it)!
Pull the Heart Strings

Anatomy of a Sales Page

If you do not have emotion in your copy, add some. If you do not have your hook done, get it done. If you do not have your story done, get it done. If you do not have your offer done, get it done. This week we will bringing all the pieces together.
If you have questions or want feedback from fellow OFA Challengers on your hook, story, offer, share it in your specific One Funnel Away Challenge FB Group. Also help your fellow OFA Challengers by giving them feedback.