Opt In "Squeeze" Pages
Week 3 Mission 3
Do you want a big list?
Duh! Everybody wants a nice, big, juicy list of eager subscribers who buy everything you tell them about!
How do you get a list?
2 Ways - a list of buyers... and a list of people who sign up for something (usually free) from you.
You have to get good at building both types of lists.
Today's lesson lays it all out for you in no uncertain terms how to create effective opt in "Squeeze" pages to put on the front end of your funnel(s) plus I give you some cool examples in this 2-part lesson 🙂
Opt-In "Squeeze" Pages


I want to see your opt in hook, story, offers so please post them over in your specific One Funnel Away Challenge FB Group! And also help your fellow OFA Challengers by giving them feedback for their hook, story, offer 🙂